This is based on, but extends and updates, a bibliography that appeared in the Journal of Aesthetic Education, vol. 25, no. 1, Spring 1991, with the following note of attribution.
The preparation of this bibliography by Sigrid Berka, PhD, was supervised by Paul Hernadi, Director, Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, University of California at Santa Barbara. We gratefully acknowledge the advice and cooperation of Professors Nelson Goodman (Harvard University), Catherine Z. Elgin (Dartmouth College), and Karl H. Potter (University of Washington), as well as various staff members of the UCSB library. The work on the bibliography was funded by a generous research grant of the American Library Association.
Original material copyright 1991 by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Used with the permission of the University of Illinois Press.
Last updated February 2011 by John Lee, HCRC, University of Edinburgh. Further additions welcomed.
Note: Nelson Goodman's personal papers are held in the Harvard University Archives. For access, please consult Prof. Catherine Elgin (details here).
I. Books
A Study of Qualities. Diss. Harvard U., 1941. In book form: New York: Garland, 1990. Harvard Dissertations in Philosophy Series.
The Structure of Appearance. Harvard UP, 1951. 2nd ed. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1966. 3rd ed. Boston: Reidel, 1977. In Italian: La struttura dell'apparenza. Trans. Alberto Emiliani. Bologna: Il Mulino 1985.
Fact, Fiction, and Forecast. University of London: Athlone Press, 1954. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1955. 2nd ed. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965. 3rd. ed. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1973. 4th ed. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1983. In German: Tatsache, Fiktion, Voraussage. Trans. Hermann Vetter. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp, 1975. In French: Faits, Fiction et Prediction. Trans. Martin Abran. Paris: Edition de Minuit, 1985. In Italian: Fatti, ipotesi e previsioni. Trans. C. Marletti. Bari: Laterza, 1985. In Japanese: Tokyo: Keiso Shobo, 1987. In Portuguese: Lisbon: Presença, forthcoming, 1991.
Languages of Art: An Approach to a Theory of Symbols. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1968. 2nd ed. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1976. In Great Britain: Brighton: Harvester, 1981. In German: Sprachen der Kunst: Ein Ansatz zu einer Symboltheorie. Trans. Jurgen Schlaeger. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp, 1973. Also in German: Sprachen der Kunst : Entwurf einer Symboltheorie. Trans. Bernd Philippi. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp 1997. In Spanish: Los lenguajes del arte: Aproximacion a la teoria de los simbolos. Barcelona: Editorial Seix Barral, 1976. In Italian: I linguaggi dell'arte. Milano: Il Saggiatore, 1976. Rpt. Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori, forthcoming 1991. In French: Les Langages de l'Art. Nimes: Editions Jacqueline Chambon, 1990. In Czech: Trans Tomas Kulka and others. Prague: Academia, 2007.
Problems and Projects. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1972. Currently available from Hackett. In Italian: Turin: Bollati Boringhieri (in preparation).
Basic Abilities Required for Understanding and Creation in the Arts: Final Report (with David Perkins, Howard Gardner, and the assistance of Jeanne Bamberger et al.) Cambridge: Harvard University, Graduate School of Education: Project No. 9-0283, Grant No. OEG-0-9-310283-3721 (010), 1972.
Ways of Worldmaking. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1978. In Great Britain: Hassocks, Sussex: Harvester Press, 1978. Paperback: Indianapolis: Hackett, 1985. In German: Weisen der Welterzeugung. Trans. Max Looser. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp, 1984. In Japanese: Sekai-Seisaku No Hoho. Trans. Tateki Sugeno and Masayuki Nakamura, Tokyo: Misuzu Shobo, 1987 -- now out of print; new Japanese edition trans. Tateki Sugeno, Tokyo: Tchikuma Syobou, 2008. In Italian: Vedere e costruire il mondo. Trans. C. Marletti. Bari: Laterza, 1988. In Spanish: Maneras de hacer mundos, Madrid, Visor, 1990. Trans.: Carlos Thiebaut. In Czech, Trans. Vlastimil Zuska. Bratislava: Archa; 1997, ISBN 80-7115-120-3.
Of Mind and Other Matters. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1984. In German: Vom Denken und anderen Dingen. Trans. Bernd Philippi. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp, 1987. In Spanish: De la mente y otras materias. Trans. Rafael Guardiola. Madrid: Visor, 1995.
Reconceptions in Philosophy and other Arts and Sciences (with Catherine Z. Elgin). Indianapolis: Hackett; London: Routledge, 1988. Paperback Edition, London: Routledge, Indianapolis: Hackett, 1990. In German: Revisionen: Philosophie und andere Kunste und Wissenschaften. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp, 1989. In Italian: Turin: Bollati Boringhieri, 1991. In Japanese: Kigousyugi: Tetugaku no aratana kousou. Trans. Sugeno Tateki. Misuzu Syobou, 2001.
II. Articles
"The Calculus of Individuals and Its Uses" (with Henry Siggins Leonard). Journal of Symbolic Logic 5 (1940): 45-55.
"Elimination of Extra-Logical Postulates" (with Willard Van Orman Quine). Journal of Symbolic Logic 5 (1940): 104-109.
"Sequences." Journal of Symbolic Logic 6 (1941): 150-153.
"On the Simplicity of Ideas." Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 (1943): 107-121.
"Descartes as Philosopher" (mimeographed). Boston: Cartesian Research Bureau (1946).
"A Query on Confirmation." Journal of Philosophy 43 (1946): 383-385.
"On Infirmities of Confirmation-Theory." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 8 (1947): l49-151.
"Steps toward a Constructive Nominalism" (with Willard Van Orman Quine). Journal of Symbolic Logic 12 (1947): 105-122.
"The Problem of Counterfactual Conditionals." Journal of Philosophy 44 (1947): 113-120. Rpt. in Semantics and the Philosophy of Language. Ed. Leonard Linsky. Urbana: U of Illinois P (1952). Also rpt. in Philosophy of Knowledge. Ed Roland Houde and Joseph P. Mullally. New York, 1960. Also rpt. with slight changes in Fact, Fiction, and Forecast. Also rpt. in Conditionals. Ed. Frank Jackson. Oxford, forthcoming.
"The Logical Simplicity of Predicates." Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (1949): 32-41.
"On Likeness of Meaning." Analysis 10 (1949): 1-7. Rpt. in Linsky, 1952, and in Philosophy and Analysis. Ed. Margaret MacDonald. Oxford: Blackwell, 1966.
"Some Reflections on the Theory of Systems." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 9 (1949): 620-626.
"An Improvement in the Theory of Simplicity." Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (1950): 228-229.
"New Notes on Simplicity." Journal of Symbolic Logic 17 (1952): 189-191.
"On a Pseudo-Test of Translation." Philosophical Studies 3 (1952): 81-82.
"Sense and Certainty." Philosophical Review 61 (1952): 160-167. Rpt. in The Philosophy of Knowledge. Eds. Roland Houde and Joseph P. Mullally. Chicago: Lippincott, 1960. 96-103.
"On Some Differences about Meaning." Analysis 13 (1953): 90-96. Rpt. in Philosophy and Analysis. Ed. Margaret MacDonald.
"Axiomatic Measurement of Simplicity." Journal of Philosophy 52 (1955): 709-722.
"Definition and Dogma." Pennsylvania Literary Review 6 (1956): 9-14.
"The Revision of Philosophy." American Philosophers at Work. Ed. Sidney Hook. New York: Criterion, 1956. 75-92. This is a slightly changed version of "The Significance of Der logische Aufbau der Welt" (1963), below.
"A Study of Methods of Evaluating Information Processing Systems of Weapons Systems." U of Pennsylvania: The Institute for Cooperative Research. Project Wescom DA36-039 SC 63143 (1956).
"A World of Individuals." The Problem of Universals: A Symposion. Notre Dame, Ind.: U of Notre Dame P, 1956. 13-31. Rpt. in Philosophy of Mathematics. Eds. Paul Benacerraf and Hilary Putnam. New York: Prentice Hall, 1964. 197-210.
"Determination of Deficiencies in Information Processing." U of Pennsylvania: The Institute for Cooperative Research. Project Wescom DA 36-039 SC 63143 (1957).
Letter to the Editor. Mind 66 (1957): 78. [Refers to W. C. Clement's "Quality Orders." Mind 65 (1956): 184-199.]
"Parry on Counterfactuals." Journal of Philosophy 54 (1957): 442-445.
"Reply to an Adverse Ally." Journal of Philosophy 54 (1957): 531-533. [Refers to John C. Cooley's study of Goodman's Fact, Fiction, Forecast. Journal of Philosophy 54 (1957): 293-311.]
"On Relations that Generate." Philosophical Studies 9 (1958): 65-66.
"The Test of Simplicity." Science 128 (1958): 1064-1069.
"Recent Developments in the Theory of Simplicity." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 19 (1959): 429-446.
"The Way the World Is." Review of Metaphysics 14 (1960): 48-56.
"Positionality and Pictures." Philosophical Review 69 (1960): 523-525.
"About." Mind 70 (1961): 1-24.
"Condensation versus Simplification." Theoria 27 (1961). 47-48.
"Graphs for Linguistics." Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics. American Mathematical Society, 12 (1961): 52-55.
"Safety, Strength, Simplicity." Philosophy of Science 28 (1961): 150-151.
"Faulty Formalization." Journal of Philosophy 60 (1963): 578-579.
"Science and Simplicity." Voice of America Philosophy of Science Series, 16 (1963). Rpt. in Philosophy of Science Today. Ed. Sidney Morgenbesser. New York: Basic, 1967. 68-78.
"The Significance of Der logische Aufbau der Welt." The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap. Ed. Paul Arthur Schilpp. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1963. 545-558. This is a slightly different version of "The Revision of Philosophy" (1956), above.
"'About' Mistaken." Mind 74 (1965): 248.
"Merit as Means." Art and Philosophy. Ed. Sidney Hook. New York UP, 1966. 56-57.
"The Epistemological Argument." Synthese 17 (1967): 23-28.
"Two Replies." Journal of Philosophy 64 (1967): 286-287. [Replies to Donald Davidson. "Emeroses by Other Names." Journal of Philosophy 63 (1966): 778-780, and to John R. Wallace. "Lawlikeness = Truth." Journal of Philosophy 63 (1966): 780-781.]
"Science and Simplicity." Philosophy of Science Today. Ed. Sidney Morgenbesser. New York: Basic, 1967. 68-78.
"Uniformity and Simplicity." 75th Anniversary Lecture. Geological Society of America (1963). GSA Special Paper 89 (1967): 93-99.
"Art and Inquiry" (Presidential Address). Proceedings and Addresses of The American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division. XLI. Yellow Springs, OH: Antioch, Oct. 1968. 5-19.
"Reality Remade." L'Age de la Science. 1 (1968): 19-40.
"The Emperor's New Ideas." Language and Philosophy. Ed. Sidney Hook. New York UP (1969): 138-142.
"Memorial Note" (on Henry Leonard). The Logical Way of Doing Things. Ed. Karel Lambert. New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 1969. ix-x.
"A Revision in the Structure of Appearance." Journal of Philosophy 66 (1969): 383-385.
"Some Notes on Languages of Art." Journal of Philosophy 67 (1970): 563-573.
"An Improvement in the Theory of Projectability" (with Robert Schwartz and Israel Scheffler). Journal of Philosophy 67 (1970): 605-608.
"The Randolph Museum Case" (with Howard Gardner). Prepared for the Institute in Arts Administration, Harvard University, 1970.
"Seven Strictures on Similarity." Experience and Theory. Eds. Lawrence Foster and John W. Swanson. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1970. 19-29.
"On J. J. Gibson's New Perspective." Leonardo 4 (1971): 359-360.
"Art and Understanding: The Need for a Less Simple-Minded Approach." Music Educators Journal 58.5 (Feb.1972): 43-45; 85-88.
"Selective Confirmations and the Ravens: A Reply to Foster" (with Israel Scheffler). Journal of Philosophy 69 (1972): 78-83.
"On Kahane's Confusions." Journal of Philosophy 69 (1972): 83-84.
"'That is': A Reply to Isaac Newton Nozick." Journal of Philosophy 70 (1973): 166.
"Much Ado." Synthese 28 (1974): 259.
"The Status of Style." Critical Inquiry 1 (1975): 799-811.
"Words, Works, Worlds." Erkenntnis 9 (1975): 57-73.
"A Message from Mars." The Arts Spectrum. Office of the Arts, Harvard University. 2 (1975).
"Bad Company: A Reply to Mr. Zabludowski and Others" (with Joseph Ullian). Journal of Philosophy 72 (1975): 142-145. [Refers to Zabludowski, Andrzej. "Concerning a Fiction about How Facts Are." Journal of Philosophy 4 (1974): 97-112.]
"The Trouble with Root." Linguistics and Philosophy 1 (1977): 277-278. [A reply to Root, Michael D. "Nelson Goodman and the Logical Articulation of Nominal Compounds." Linguistics and Philosophy 1 (1977): 259-271.]
"Predicates without Properties." Midwest Studies in Philosophy 2 (1977): 212-213.
"'Truth about Jones"' (with Joseph Ullian). Journal of Philosophy 74 (1977): 317-338.
"When Is Art?" The Arts and Cognition. Eds. David Perkins and Barbara Leondar. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1977. 11-19. Rpt. in French: Philosophie analytique et esthetique. Ed. and Trans. Danielle Lories. Paris: Meridiens-Klincksieck, 1988. 199-210. Also rpt. in Russian: American Philosophy of Art: Main Conceptions of the Second Half of the 20th Century. Ed. Bohdan Dzimidok. Moskow: Iskusstvo Art Publishers, forthcoming.
"The Short of It" (with Joseph Ullian). Journal of Philosophy 75 (1978): 263-264.
"Comments on Wollheim's Paper: 'Are the Criteria of Identity that Hold for a Work of Art in the Different Arts Aesthetically Relevant?'" Ratio 20 (1978): 49-51.
"In Defense of Irrealism" (Letter to the Editor). New York Review of Books 25.20 (1978): 58. [A Response to W. V. Quine's Review of Goodman's Ways of Worldmaking. NYR 25.18 (1978): 25.]
"On Matter over Mind" (Letter to the Editor) New York Review of Books 26.8 (1979): 42. [A Response to the Exchange, NYR 25.21 & 22 (1979): 48-49, between Asher Seidel and W. V. Quine concerning Quine's Review of Goodman's Ways of Worldmaking.]
"Metaphor as Moonlighting." Critical Inquiry 6 (1979): 125-130. [A reply to Donald Davidson. "What Metaphors Mean." Critical Inquiry 5 (1978): 31-47.] Rpt. in On Metaphor. Ed. Sheldon Sacks. Chicago: U Chicago P, 1979: 175-180.
"On J. J. Gibson's Approach to the Visual Perception of Pictures." E. H. Gombrich (including N. Goodman), Letters, Leonardo, Vol. 12, No. 2 (Spring, 1979), pp.174-176.
"Science and Sin", Communication & Cognition, vol. 13 (1980) no. 2/3: 169-72. Also in Of Mind and Other Matters (1984): 1-5.
"Implementation of the Arts", (abstract), Art in Culture: Working Papers, no. 4 (1980), p. 119.
"Twisted Talesor, Story, Study, and Symphony." Critical Inquiry 7 (1980): 103-119. Rpt. in Synthese 46 (1981): 331-349. Also rpt. in On Narrative. Ed. W. J. T. Mitchell. University of Chicago Press, 1981. 99-115. In German: "Verdrehte Erzahlungen; oder Geschichte, Studie und Symphonie." Das Laokoon-Projekt: Plane einer semiotischen Asthetik. Ed. Gunter Gebauer. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1984. 183-206.
"The Telling and the Told." Critical Inquiry 7 (1981): 799-801. [A Reply to Barbara Herrnstein Smith. "Narrative Versions, Narrative Theories." Critical Inquiry 7 (1980): 213-236.] Rpt. in On Narrative. Ed. W. J. T. Mitchell. University of Chicago Press, 1981. 255-257.
"On Starmaking." Synthese 46 (1980): 211-216.
"Perspective as a Conventionon the Views of Goodman and Gombrich." Leonardo 14 (1981): 86.
"Routes of Reference." Critical Inquiry 8 (1981):121-132. In German: "Wege der Referenz." (Denotational Reference Characteristics: Verbal Denotation, Notation, Pictorial Notation And Quotation) Zeitschrift fur Semiotik 3 (1981): 11-22.
"Ways of Worldmaking." Leonardo 14 (1981): 351.
"The Fabrication of Facts." Relativism: Cognitive and Moral. Eds. Jack W. Meiland and Michael Krausz. Notre Dame: U of Notre Dame P, 1982. 18-29.
"Implementation of the Arts." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 40 (1982): 281-283.
"On Thoughts without Words." Cognition: International Journal of Cognitive Psychology 12 (1982): 211-217.
"Fiction for Five Fingers." Philosophy and Literature 6.1,2 (1982): 162-164. Rpt. in How Many Questions. Eds. Leigh S. Cauman, Isaac Levi, Charles Parsons, and Robert Schwartz. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1983. 336-340.
"Realism, Relativism, and Reality." New Literary History 14 (1983): 269-272. [A Response to Menachem Brinker's "Verisimilitude, Conventions, and Beliefs." New Literary History 14 (1983): 253-267.]
"Semiotische Asthetik und pragmatischer Irrealismus." Zeitschriftfur Semiotik 5 (1983): 256-257.
"Modes of Symbolization" and "Afterword: An Illustration." What Is Dance? Eds. Roger Copeland and Marshall Cohen. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1983. 66-84.
"The Role of Notations." What Is Dance? Eds. Roger Copeland and Marshall Cohen. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1983. 399-410.
"Notes on the Well-Made World." Erkenntnis 19 (1983): 99-108. Rpt. in Partisan Review 51 (1984): 276-288. Printed in Hebrew as "Hearot al haolam haasuy kahalacha." Iyyun 31 (1982): 227-234.
"Representation and Realism in Art" (with Menachem Brinker). Printed in Hebrew as "Yitzog v' realizem b'omanut." Iyyun 32 (1983): 216-222.
"Implementation of the Arts." Communication and Cognition 17 (1984): 11-14. Also in Art in Culture, eds. A. Balis, L. Aagaard-Mogensen, R. Pinxten & F. Vandamme, Gent, Vol. 1 (1985): 11-14.
"Relativism Awry: Response to Feyerabend." New Ideas in Psychology 2 (1984): 125.
"Statement and Pictures." Erkenntnis 22 (1985): 265-270.
"How Buildings Mean." Critical Inquiry 11 (1985): 642-653. Rpt. in English and in Italian as "Che cosa significa construire, e quando e perche." Domus 672 (May 1986): 17-28. Also rpt. in German as "Wie Bauwerke bedeuten und wann und weshalb." Trans. Theda Ites. Das Abenteuer der Ideen: Architektur und Philosophie seit der industriellen Revolution. Internationale Bauausstellung Berlin. Eds. Claus Baldus and Vittorio Lampugnani. Berlin: Frolich & Kaufmann, 1987. 237-246.
"The End of the Museum?" Journal of Aesthetic Education 19.2 (1985): 53-62. Also in: Aagaard-Mogensen, Lars ed. The Idea of the Museum: Philosophical, Artistic and Political Questions. The Edwin Mellen Press, series: Problems in Contemporary Philosophy, Volume 6, Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter 1988, 139-155.
"Interpretation and IdentityCan the Work Survive the World?" (with Catherine Z. Elgin). Critical Inquiry 12 (1986): 564-575.
"A Note on Copies." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 44 (1986): 291-292.
"Nominalisms." The Philosophy of W. V. Quine. Eds. Lewis Edwin Hahn and Paul Arthur Schilpp. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1986.
"The Nature And Function Of Architecture." Domus, 672 (1986):17-28.
"Changing the Subject" (with Catherine Z. Elgin). Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (1987): 219-223. Rpt. in Analytic Aesthetics. Ed. Richard Schusterman. New York: Basil, 1989. 190-196. In French: Esthetique et Connaissance: Pour changer de Sujet (with Catherine Elgin). Combas: Edition de l'Eclat, forthcoming, 1990.
"Variations on Variationor Picasso Back to Bach." Essays in the Philosophy of Music. Eds. Veikko Rantala, Lewis Rowell, and Eero Tarasti. Helsinki: Acta Philosophica Fennica 43, 1987.
"On Some Worldly Worries." Published by the Author at Emerson Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, September 1, 1988. (Reply to Scheffler.)
Introduction, "Aims and Claims." Journal of Aesthetic Education 22.1 (1988): 1 -2.
"On What Should Not Be Said about Representation." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (1988): 419.
"Just the Facts, Ma'am'!" Relativism: Interpretation and Confrontation. Ed. Michael Krausz. Notre Dame: U of Notre Dame P, 1989. 80-85.
"Savoir et Faire" (with Catherine Elgin). Trans. Jacques Riche. Encyclopedie Philosophique Universelle 1: L' Univers Philosophique. Ed. Andre Jacob. Paris: Presse Universitaire de France,1989. 520-528.
"Authenticity." Grove/Macmillan Dictionary of Art. Ed. Jane Shoaf Turner. New York & London: Grove/MacMillan, 1996.
"Contraverting A Contradiction, A Note On Metaphor And Simile, Reply To Kulka,Tomas." Poetics Today, 13.4 (1992): 807-808.
"Status and System: from the 1st Part of the Author's Doctoral Thesis 'A Study Of Qualities'." Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 47.185 (1993): 99-139.
"How Metaphor Works its Wonders" (with T. Kulka, in Czech). Filosoficky Casopis, 42.3 (1994): 403-420.
"Pictures in the Mind?" Images and Understanding. Eds. H. B. Barlow, Colin Blakemore, and Miranda Weston-Smith. Cambridge UP, 1990: 358-364.
The following is a version of a chapter from Reconceptions in Philosophy:
"A Reconception of Philosophy." Bewusstsein, Sprache und die Kunst. Ed. Michael Benedikt (in German).
III. Reviews
Rev. of Outline of a Logical Analysis of Law, by Felix Oppenheim. Philosophy of Science 11 (1944): 142-160.
Rev. of "Definition and Specification of Meaning," by Kaplan. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 11 (1946): 80-81; Journal of Philosophy 43 (1946): 281-288.
Rev. of Elements of Symbolic Logic, by Hans Reichenbach. Philosophical Review 58 (1948): 100-102.
Rev. of "Replacement of Auxiliary Expressions," by William Craig. Philosophical Review 65 (1956): 38-55; Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (1957): 317-319.
Rev. of "Reds, Greens, and Logical Analysis," by Hilary Putnam. Philosophical Review 65 (1956): 206-217; Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (1957): 318-319.
Rev. of Philosophical Analysis, by J. O. Urmson. Mind 67 (1958): 107-109.
Rev. of Art and Illusion, by Ernst H. Gombrich. Journal of Philosophy 57 (1960): 595-599
Rev. of Berkeley's Theory of Vision, by David M. Armstrong. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23 (1962): 284-285.
Rev. of Remarks on Color, by Ludwig Wittgenstein. Journal of Philosophy 75 (1978): 503-504.
IV. Miscellaneous
Script for "Hockey Seen," multimedia production (choreography by Martha Gray; electronic score by John Adams). Performed Browne and Nichols School, August 1972; Loeb Drama Center, Harvard University, October 1973; Zellerbach Theatre, University of Pennsylvania, November 1973. Culture Center, Knokke, Belgium, 1980.
Script for "Rabbit, Run," dance version of John Updike's novel (choreography by Martha Gray; score by Joel Kabakov). Performed Agassiz Theatre, Harvard University, August 1973; Loeb Drama Center, Harvard University, October 1973, in part, Zellerbach Theatre, University of Pennsylvania, November 1973.
Conceptual design for "Variations: An Illustrated Lecture Concert," including live or taped performance of David Alpher's "Las Meninas" Theme and Variations for piano, guitar, oboe, and cello, synchronized with presentation of slides of Las Meninas by Velazquez and of Picasso's painted variations on it. Performances to date: University of Helsinki (September 1985), Wayne State University (February 1986), Rockport Chamber Music Festival (June 1986), Harvard University (October 1986), Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas (February 1987), University of California, Santa Barbara (February 1990).
Excerpt from a letter from Goodman to Beardsley, on pp. 25-6 in: Beardsley, Monroe C. 1975. "Semiotic aesthetics and aesthetic education". Journal of Aesthetic Education 9, 5-26. Contains a clarification of some points in Languages of Art. (Informant: Georg Brun, ETH, Zurich.)
4 letters from Goodman to Quine and White on the analytic/synthetic distinction are published in: White, Morton Gabriel. 1999. A philosopher's story. University Park, Penn.: Pennsylvania State University Press. Appendix: Nelson Goodman, W.V. Quine, and Morton White: A triangular correspondence in 1947. pp. 337-357. (Informant: Georg Brun, ETH, Zurich.)
The New Riddle of Induction, in: Journal of Philosophy 63 (1966): 281-331.
[Goodman, Nelson. "Foreword." 281; Jeffey, Richard C. "Goodman's Query." 281-288; Thomson, Judith Jarvis. "Grue." 289-309; Wallace, John R. "Goodman, Logic, Induction." 310-331; Goodman, Nelson. "Comments." 328-331.]
Rudner, Richard S., and Israel Scheffler, eds. Essays in Honor of Nelson Goodman. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1972.
General Topic: Languages of Art. Monist 58 (1974): 175-318.
[Margolis, Joseph. "Art as Language." 175-186; Sparshot, F. E. "Goodman on Expression." 187-202; Tormey, Alan. "Indeterminacy and of Identity in Art." 203-215; Kjorup Soren. "George Inness and the Battle of Hastings, or Doing Things with Pictures." 216-235; Walton, Kendall L. "Are Representations Symbols?" 236-254; Bennett, John G. "Depiction and Convention." 255-268; Carrier, David. "A Reading of Goodman on Representation." 269-284; Ross, Stephanie. "Caricature." 285-293; Goodman, Nelson. "On Some Questions Concerning Quotation." 294-306; Howard, V. A. "On Musical Quotation." 307-318.]
Supplement: Symposium on Skills and Symbols in the Arts. Monist 58 (1974): 319-342.
[Gardner, Howard. "A Psychological Investigation of Nelson Goodman's Theory of Symbols." 319-326; Wartowsky, Marx W. "Art, Action and Ambiguity." 327-338. Goodman, Nelson. "On Reconceiving Cognition." 339-342.]
The Philosophy of Nelson Goodman Part 1, in Erkenutnis 12 (1978): 3-179.
[Eberle, Rolf A. "Goodman on Likeness and Difference of Meaning." 3-16; Wartowsky, Marx W. "Rules and Representation: The Virtues of Constancy and Fidelity Put in Perspective." 17-36; Robinson, Jenefer. "Two Theories of Representation." 37-53; Kjørup, Søren. "Pictorial Speech Acts." 55-71; Howard, V. A. "Music and Constant Comment." 73-82; Sagoff, Mark. "Historical Authenticity." 83-93; Beardsley, Monroe C. "Languages of Art and Art Criticism." 95-118; Morawski, Stefan. "Three Observations on Languages of Art." 119-128; Rudner, Richard S. "Show or Tell: Incoherence among Symbol Systems." 129-151; Goodman, Nelson. "Replies." 153-179.]
The Philosophy of Nelson Goodman Part 11, in Erkenntnis 12 (1978): 181-291.
[Essler, Wilhelm. "Corrupted Concepts and Empiricism." 181-187; von Kutschera, Franz. "Goodman on Induction." 189-207; Hellman, G. "Accuracy and Actuality." 209-228; Breitkopf, Alfred. "Axiomatisierung einiger Begriffe aus Nelson Goodman's The Structure of Appearance." 229-247; Fox, Ivan. "Distance from Indifference." 249-279; Goodman, Nelson, "Replies." 281-291.]
Symposium: Goodman's Ways of Worldmaking, in Journal of Philosophy 76 (1979): 603-619.
[Putnam, Hilary. "Reflections on Goodman's Ways of Worldmaking." 603-617; Scheffler, Israel. "The Wonderful Worlds of Goodman." 618; Goodman, Nelson. "Credence, Credibility, Comprehension." 619.]
Aesthetics and Worldmaking: An Exchange with Nelson Goodman, in: Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 39 (1981): 249-280.
[Ackerman, James S. "Worldmaking and Practical Criticism." 249-254; Kulenkampff, Jens. "Music Considered as a Way of Worldmaking." 254-258; Martin, Richard. "On Some Aesthetic Relations." 258-264; Nagel, Alan F. "'Or as a Blanket' Some Comments and Questions on Exemplification." 264-266; Margolis, Joseph. "What is when? When is what? Two Questions for Nelson Goodman." 266-268; Silvers, Anita. "The Secret of Style." 268-271; Hernadi, Paul. "More Questions Concerning Quotations." 271-273; Goodman, Nelson. "Replies." 273-280.]
Worldmaking's Ways. Eds. L. Aagaard-Mogensen, R. Pinxten, and F. Vandamme. Gent: Communication & Cognition, 1987.
[Aagaard-Mogensen, Lars "Introduction", 7-10; Lorenz, Kuno "Semiotic Actions in Worldmaking", 11-24; Apostel, Leo "Pluralism and Monism: Remarks on Ways of Worldmaking", 25-36; Beardsley, Monroe C. "Verbal Style and "The Status of Style", 37-48; Aagaard-Mogensen, Lars "Quotation and Common Sense", 49-61; Potter, Nelson "On Artworks and the History of Production", 62-72; Pinxten, Rik "The Primitive asked: When Is My Art?", 73-82; Kulenkampff, Jens "The World of Music", 99-112; Scholz, Bernhard F. "Referential Chains in Emblematic Texts", 113-128; Gijssens-Gosselin, Mia "Conventionlism vs Realism: The Portrait", 129-146; Travis, Charles "On Literal Truth", 147-170; Goodman, Nelson "Comments", 171-182.]
More Ways of Worldmaking, in Journal of Aesthetic Education 25, 1 (1991):1-112.
[Hernadi, Paul. "More Ways of Worldmaking." 1-4; Goodman, Nelson. "On Capturing Cities" (reprinted from World Cities and the Metropolis, 1988). 5-9; Elgin, Catherine Z. "Sign, Symbol and System." 11-21; Mitchell, W.J.T. "Realism, Irrealism and Ideology A Critique of Nelson Goodman." 23-35; Wollheim, Richard. "The Core of Aesthetics." 37-45; Hernadi, Paul. "Reconceiving Notation and Performance." 47-56; Ullian, J.S. "Truth." 57-65; Bruner, Jerome. "Self-Making and World-Making." 67-78; Hawley, A. "A Venerable Museum Faces the Future Guided Tour Through the Gardner and its Director's Mind." 79-88; Elgin, Catherine Z. "What Goodman Leaves Out." 89-96; Goodman, Nelson. "Retrospections." 97-98; Berka, Sigrid. "An International Bibliography of Works by and Selected Works about Nelson Goodman." 99-112.]
Probing into Reconceptions, in Synthese 95, 1 (1993): 1-128.
[Scholz, Oliver R. "Introduction: Reconceptions in Context." 1-7; Goodman, Nelson. "On Some Worldly Worries." 9-12; Elgin, Catherine Z. "Understanding: Art and Science." 13-28; Küng, Guido. "Ontology and the Construction of Systems." 29-53; Rheinwald, Rosemarie. "An Epistemic Solution to Goodman's New Riddle of Induction." 55-76; Heydrich, Wolfgang. "A Reconception of Meaning." 77-94; Scholz, Oliver R. "When is a Picture?" 95-106; Künne, Wolfgang. "Truth, Rightness and Permanent Acceptability." 107-117; Koppelberg, Dirk. "Should We Replace Knowledge by Understanding? A Comment on Elgin and Goodman's Reconception of Epistemology." 119-128; Elgin, Catherine Z. "Outstanding Problems Replies to ZiF Critics". 129-140]
Actes du Colloque Nelson Goodman 1997, "Manières de faire les mondes", in Philosophia Scientiae 2, 1-2 (1997). [Journal of the Archives H. Poincaré.]
[Goodman, N. "Some Reflections on my philosophy."; Lorenz, K. Laudatio; Müller, G. H. Laudatio; Heinzmann, G. Laudatio; Abel, G. "Signe et signification. Réflexions sur un problème fondamental de la théorie des symboles."; Cometti, J.-P. "Pour l'exemple. Remarques sur la théorie goodmanienne des symboles."; Delpla, I. "Manières de faire les autres. (Quelques implications du constructivisme selon Quine, Davidson et Searle)."; Elgin, C. Z. "The Power of Parsimony."; Gabriel, G. "Probleme mit der Denotation. Eine Kritik des Fiktionalismus."; Heinzmann, G. "Raisonnement mathématique et art."; Lorenz, K. "Perceptual and Conceptual Knowledge: The Arts and the Sciences."; Morizot, J. "L'art de la symbolisation."; Pouivet, R. "L'irréalisme: deux réticences."; Rao, N. "Making and Discovering."; Scheffler, I. "Some Responses to Goodman's Comments in Starmaking."; Schneider, H.J. "From Actions to Symbols: Wittgenstein's Method and the Pragmatic Turn."; Schwartz, R. "Pictures, Puzzles, and Paradigms."; Vax, L. "Les logiques trivalentes sont-elles 'autodescriptives'?"; Vouilloux, B. "Le chapeau et le visage: une rencontre entre Nelson Goodman et Erwin Panofsky."; Vuillemin, J. "La question de savoir s'il existe des réalités mathématiques a-t-elle un sens?"; White, N. "From the Idea of the Good to some Ideas of Goodman".]
Symposium: The Legacy of Nelson Goodman, in the Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (2000).
[Carter, Curtis "Nelson Goodman: Obituary"; Robinson,. Jenefer "Languages of Art at the End of the Century"; Elgin, Catherine, "Reorienting Aesthetics, Reconceiving Cognition"; Lopes, Dominic McIver, "From Languages of Art to Art in Mind"; Cometti, Jean-Pierre, "Activating Art: A View from France"; Kivy, Peter, "How to Forge a Musical Work"; Gardner, Howard, "Project Zero: Nelson Goodman's Legacy in Arts Education"]
Special Section on Nelson Goodman, in Erkenntnis 52, 2 (2000): 149-212.
[Elgin, Catherine Z. "In Memoriam: Nelson Goodman" 149-150; Schwartz, R. "Starting from Scratch: Making Worlds" 151-159; Scheffler, Israel "A Plea for Plurealism" 161-173; Elgin, Catherine Z. "Interpretation and Understanding" 175-183; Gabriel, Gottfried "Kontinetales Erbe und Analytische Methode. Nelson Goodman und die Tradition" 185-198; Scholz, Oliver R. "A Solid Sense of Syntax" 199-212.]
Hausman, Alan. "Goodman's Ontology" (monograph). Carnap and Goodman: Two Formalists, by Alan Hausman and Fred Wilson. Iowa City: The University of lowa; The Hague: Nijhoff, 1967.
Schuldenfrei, Richard. The Nominalism of Nelson Goodman. Diss. University of Pittsburgh,1972.
Johnson, Baylor Laurence. Sights and Sounds: A Study of Nelson Goodman's Aesthetics. Diss. Northwestern University, 1974.
Kennedy, Ralph Clarence III. On Solving the New Riddle of Induction: A Study of Nelson Goodman's Theory of Projectibility. Diss. University of California at Berkeley, 1975.
McCarthy, Jeremiah Edward. Peirce's Normative Science. Diss. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1980: tries to reconstruct the proof of pragmatism and shows that it offers a simple solution to Goodman's "new riddle of induction."
Smith, Charles Justice III. Patterns and Strategies: Four Perspectives of Musical Characterization. Diss. The University of Michigan, 1980: discusses truth as a critical factor for characterizing the individual sentences of an analysis, as suggested by Nelson Goodman's work.
Green, Judy Lindquist. An Aesthetic Model for Education. Diss. Marquette University, 1980: uses central concepts of Goodman's theory of symbols.
Bowman, Wayne Devere. Tacit Knowing, Musical Experience, and Music Instruction: The Significance of Michael Polanyi's Thought for Music Education. Diss. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1980: discusses enigmatic aspects of Goodman's aesthetic theory.
Hart, Alan Matthew. Aboutness: a Logico-Philosophical Analysis. Diss. Michigan State University, 1981: draws heavily on Goodman's 1961 paper "About."
Rio, Janice Andrea. Contemporary Aesthetic Theory Applied to Dance as a Performing Art. The University of Nebraska, 1981: discusses Goodman's systematic theory of dance as language in his Languages of Art.
Larusch, Renee Michele. Evidence and Inference. Diss. University of California at Los Angeles, 1980: examines the problem of induction which has come to be known (due to Goodman) as the 'Grue Paradox.'
Lee, Shui-Chuen. Goodman's Paradox. Diss. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 1981.
Collins, Patrick Michael. Towards Dramatic Literacy: the Aesthetic Dimension of Drama in Education. Diss. Harvard University, 1981: draws on Nelson Goodman's work among others in arguing that the formal aspects of drama are closely related to the cognitive and affective constituents of the art.
Cain, Jerrilee. Integrating the Arts in Public Education: the Symbolization
Process as Holistic Experience. Diss. New York University, 1982: investigates Nelson Goodman's theory of symbols.
Hatten, Robert Swaney. Toward a Semiotic Model of Style in Music: Epistemological and Methodological Bases. Diss. Indiana University, 1982: uses Nelson Goodman's notion of 'literal exemplification' for his methodological focus for style reconstruction.
Coldron, John H. A critical exposition of Nelson Goodman's concept of metaphorical exemplication. Diss. (MPhil) University of Sheffield, 1982.
Elgin, Catherine. With Reference to Reference. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1983.
Wreen, Michael Joseph. Forgery and Authenticity. Diss. Temple University, 1983: offers an extensive study of Goodman's "Art and Authenticity."
Makin, Kevin Patrick Francis. Methodological Behavior: Notes towards the Development of a Descriptive Technical Language for Choice-Behavior. Diss. Washington University, 1983: reviews Goodman's contribution to the development of the concept of a choice.
Adam, Betty Conrad. The Re-Emergence of Metaphysical Aesthetics. Diss. Rice University, 1983: views Goodman's philosophy of aesthetics as metaphysical aesthetics.
Dempster, Douglas John. The Naturalism of Pictorial Representation. Diss. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1983: examines and criticizes Goodman's symbol theory of pictorial representation and defends a resemblance theory against his criticism.
Kaminski, Stanley Jay. Cotenability Revisited: A New Nomological-Deductive Analysis of Counterfactuals. Diss. The University of Michigan, 1984: about the subjunctive, conditionals, and Nelson Goodman.
Jordan, James William. System and Shadow: Towards an Aesthetic of Social Action. Saybrooke Institute, 1984: Nelson Goodman's analyses of symbolic languages provides the chief vehicle for defining art-acts.
Serniak-Catudal, Donna. Objectivity, Logic, and the Justification of Science: The Case of Carnap's The Logical Structure of the World. Diss. University of Pennsylvania, 1985: discusses Nelson Goodman's understanding of the Aufbau's logic.
Thomas, William James. An Exposition of Visual Metaphor (Symbols). Diss. The Pennsylvania State University, 1985: applies Nelson Goodman's theory of metaphor.
Roig, Bruce Edward. Reflective Equilibrium and Theory Acceptance. Diss. University of Georgia, 1985: examines portions of Nelson Goodman's work relevant to the understanding of Rawls's methodology.
Brown, Barry E. Representational Semantics. Diss. The University of Rochester, 1985: presents an original semantic theory the intuitive ancestry of which he traces back to Nelson Goodman's analysis of meaning.
Herr, Lowell Emerson. Goodman and the Semiotic Theory of Art. Marquette University, 1985.
Conley, Brian George. Theories of Pictorial Representation: Goodman's Relativism and the Similarity Theory. Diss. University of Minnesota, 1985.
Begres, Sherril Jean. Theories of Metaphor (Similes, Literal, Figurative). Diss. Wayne State University, 1986: examines extensional conversion theories of metaphor including Nelson Goodman's version.
Tetley, Ann. Social Movements as Worldmaking: A Theoretical and Practical Analysis of the Rhetoric of the British Women's Suffrage Movement throughout the Perspectives of Charles Stewart and Nelson Goodman. Diss. Ohio University, 1987.
Ahlberg, Lars-Olof Ragnar. Concepts of Realism in Literature and Art. A Historical and Philosophical Study (Realismbegrepp i Litteratur och Konst. En Idehistorisk och Konstirlosofisk Studie). Diss. Uppsala Universitet, 1988: examines Nelson Goodman's semantic theory of representation and realism among other theories.
Kemp, Fred Oliver, Jr. Computer-Based Invention Heuristics for Writing: A Theory of Computer-Based Heuristics. Diss. The University of Texas at Austin, 1988: emphasizes distinction between Rhetoric, Invention, Knowledge Making derived from a modern, Saussurean, linguistics-based epistemology espoused by Nelson Goodman and others.
Garry, Mitchell. The Contributions of Four Perspectives on Symbolic Form to the Study of Communication Media. Diss. New York University, 1989: uses Goodman's concept of notational and nonnotational forms.
Gosselin, Mia. Nominalism and contemporary nominalism: ontological and epistemological implications of the work of W.V.O. Quine and of N. Goodman. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1990.
Scholz, Oliver R. Bild, Darstellung, Zeichen : Philosophische Theorien bildhafter Darstellungen. Freiburg, München: Alber, 1991.
Douglas, Mary and Hull, David. How classification works : Nelson Goodman among the social sciences. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1992.
Reimer, B. and Wright, J. E. (Eds). On the Nature of Musical Experience. Niwot, Co.: University Press of Colorado, 1992: a collection in which Goodman's work is very substantially discussed.
Thurnau, Donatus. Gedichtete Versionen der Welt : Nelson Goodmans Semantik fiktionaler Literatur. Paderborn: Schoningh, 1994.
Stalker, Douglas (Ed.). Grue! The New Riddle of Induction. Chicago: Open Court, 1994.
Read, Rupert J. Practices without foundations? : sceptical readings of Wittgenstein and Goodman : an investigation into the description and justification of induction and meaning at the intersection of Kripke's 'Wittgenstein on rules and private language' and Goodman's 'Fact, fiction and forecast'. Diss. Rutgers University, 1995.
McCormick, Peter J. and Hempel, C.G. Starmaking : Realism, Anti-Realism, and Irrealism (Representation and Mind). Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1996.
Morizot, Jacques. La philosophie de l'art de Nelson Goodman. Nîmes: Éd. J. Chambon, 1996.
Elgin, Catherine Z. Philosophy of Nelson Goodman. New York: Garland Publishing, 1997.
Paetzold, Heinz. The symbolic language of culture, fine arts and architecture: consequences of Cassirer and Goodman: three Trondheim lectures. Trondheim: FF Edition, 1997.
Huschle, Brian J. From Conflicting Versions to Many Worlds: An Examination of Goodman's Irrealism. Diss. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2000. (UMI Publication Number: AAT 9962058. ISBN: 0-599-65996-3.)
Mahrenholz, Simone. Musik und Erkenntnis: Eine Studie im Ausgang der Allgemeinen Symboltheorie Nelson Goodmans. Metzler Verlag, Stuttgart, 2000. (2nd edition. 1st edition 1997.)
Scholz, Oliver R. Bild, Darstellung, Zeichen. Philosophische Theorien bildlicher Darstellung, 2., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage, Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 2004. [Fully revised 2nd edition of Scholz 1991.]
Steinbrenner, Jakob; Scholz, Oliver R.; Ernst, Gerhard (eds.). Symbole, Systeme, Welten. Studien zur Philosophie Nelson Goodmans. Heidelberg: Synchron, 2005.
Cohnitz, Daniel and Rossberg, Marcus. Nelson Goodman. Acumen Publishing Ltd. (Philosophy Now Series), 2006. ISBN 1844650375.
Franzini, Elio and La Matina, Marcello (eds.). Nelson Goodman, la filosofia e i linguaggi. Quodlibet Studio. Analisi filosofiche, 2007. ISBN 9788874621798.
Ernst, Gerhard; Steinbrenner, Jakob; Scholtz, Oliver R. (Eds.). From Logic to Art: Themes from Nelson Goodman. Ontos (Series: Philosophical Research 7), 2009. ISBN 937-3-86838-019-4.
Shottenkirk, Dena. Nominalism and Its Aftermath: The Philosophy of Nelson Goodman. Series: Synthese Library, Vol. 343. Berlin: Springer Verlag 2009. ISBN: 978-1-4020-9930-4
Baumberger, Christoph. Gebaute Zeichen. Eine Symboltheorie der Architektur. Frankfurt am Main, Lancaster: Ontos 2010. ISBN 13: 978-3-86838-069-9.