John Lee

I have been based largely at HCRC since October 1993, when I was seconded from the Department of Architecture. I continue to be the Director of EdCAAD (the Edinburgh Computer Aided Architectural Design research unit).

My principal current research focus is an investigation of the paradigm of "Vicarious Learning". This takes the form of two projects, collaborative between HCRC and Glasgow Caledonian University. My most recent other activities have centred around two main themes:

My general research interests are as described here in relation to the Centre for Cognitive Science.

In July 1995, I organised a workshop called IMMI-1, all about intelligent multimedia. Information about this, and on-line versions of all the extended abstracts, can be found by following the link. The final version of the Proceedings, to be published by AAAI Press in the form of a CD-ROM and associated Web site, is nearing completion.

Contacting me:

By Email
By Phone
 (+44) 131 650 4420 (Work)                   (+44) 131 555 5361 (Home) 
By Fax
 (+44) 131 650 4587 (Work) 
By Post
 Human Communication Research Centre      |  313/5, Leith Walk University of Edinburgh                  |  Edinburgh 2, Buccleuch Place                       |  EH6 8SA Edinburgh                                |  Scotland, UK EH8 9LW                                  | Scotland, UK                             | 

Last updated: 4.9.96.

Old stuff from Mac desktop server

This directory contains stuff that used to be on my old desktop server at