John Longley's homepage

Contact details:
Dr. John Longley
Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, School of Informatics
Informatics Forum, 10 Crichton Street
Edinburgh EH8 9AB, UK

Office: Room 4.11, Informatics Forum. Tel. +44 (0)131 650 5140.

Please note that I work part-time at the University of Edinburgh.

My most recent book, Castles in the Air, is a guided tour of mathematical logic and philosophy of mathematics cast as a fantasy novel and aimed at a wide audience, Check out the link for the cover blurb, sample chapters and commentaries, comments from readers, and links to Lulu marketplace from where you can buy the book in print or pdf form.

For a 90-second introduction to what my research is about, watch my Research in a Nutshell video produced by Siri Rodnes.

My book with Dag Normann, Higher-Order Computability (588 pages), was published by Springer in November 2015 (under the Computability in Europe series Theory and Applications of Computability). For more details, or to purchase the book, visit the book's page on the Springer website, or, or

Here is a list of known errata in the book.

My research papers and slides.

Home page for Eriskay, an object oriented programming language based on game semantics.

Home page for Stratagem, a cool program offering a gentle introduction to game semantics.

Musical activities

John Longley
Last modified: Tue Sep 15 13:04:28 BST 2015