I am a professor in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. I am affiliated with EdinburghNLP, the Natural Language Processing Group at the University of Edinburgh.

My main research area is natural language processing. In particular, I'm interested in language and vision tasks, such as image description, visual grounding, video summarization, and visual story telling. My second research focus is computational narrative, where I am working on modeling key narrative concepts such as characters, plot turning points, and suspense. This involves understanding or generating long-form texts such as movie scripts or books, which is challenging for LLMs.

Watch a short video about my research: Watch a long video about my research:
Gella, Elliott, Keller. Cross-lingual Visual Verb Sense Disambiguation. NAACL 2019.
Papalampidi, Keller, Frermann, Lapata. Screenplay Summarization Using Latent Narrative Structure. ACL 2020.

If you are thinking about doing a PhD in NLP, check out the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Designing Responsible NLP.
Designing Responsible NLP
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