Kartic Subr

K.Subr@ed.ac.uk.edu (without '.edu')

Royal Society Univ. Research Fellow,

Instt. for Perception, Action and Behaviour,

School of Informatics, Univ. of Edinburgh, UK.

Office: IF 1.10A

Phone: +44 (0)131 650 2936

Group Members

Kevin Denamganaï
Post Doc

Leonardo Castorina
3rd year PhD

Zhiyuan (Bruce) Zhang
3rd year PhD

Aleksandra Sobieska
2nd year PhD

Sean Memery
2nd year PhD

Zhaocheng Liu
2nd year PhD

Previous members

Alexandros Keros
(PhD 2023)
Post Doc
University of Edinb.

Brian Seipp
(MSc Research 2023)

Tatiana Lopez-Guevara
(PhD 2022)
Research Scientist DeepMind

Carson Vogt
(PhD 2020)
Research Engineer
Naval Postgraduate School.

Elizabeth Vargas
(PhD 2019)
Software Engineer, Sense Photonics.

Thomas Guerneve
(PhD 2018)
Research Engineer, SeeByte.

Rita Pucci
(post doc. 2017-18)
Research Associate, University of Udine.

Divakaran Divakaran
(post doc. 2018-2019)
Azim Premji University.



On arXiv

Zhiyuan Zhang, Zhaocheng Liu, Stefanos Papanicolopulos, Kartic Subr. Implicit-Explicit simulation of Mass-Spring-Charge Systems. (pdf)

Sean Memery, Mirella Lapata, Kartic Subr. Can Language Models infer parameters of physical systems? (pdf)

Oct Jianning Deng's paper on articulated NERFs is accepted to NeurIPS24.
Jan Leo's paper on protein design is accepted to the Oxford University Press journal, Protein Engineering Design and Selection.
Jul Michael's paper on robotic ultrasound scanning is accepted to Springer's Autonomous Robots journal.
Apr Alex's paper on Spectral Coarsening is accepted to ACM's SIGGRAPH 2023 conference.
Jan Leo's paper PDBench is accepted to Bioinformatics.
Jan The Royal Society published a video on my research on approximate physics.
Jul Our research on Protein Design with Chris Wood in the School of Biological Sciences featured in Royal Society's live youtube channel.
Jul We spent a week at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition informing the public about our project on protein design.
Mar Our paper on the Theoretical Analysis of Compactness of the Light Transport Operator (link) has been conditionally accepted to ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Conference Track.
Dec Alexandros' paper 'Dist2Cycle' is accepted to AAAI 2022. (link)
Jul My paper 'Q-NET' is accepted to EGSR 21 (Conputer Graphics Forum). (link)
Jan Michael's paper 'Action Sequencing using Visual Permutations' is accepted to IEEE RA-Letters and ICRA 21. (link)
Dec Elizabeth's paper 'On Improved Training of CNN for Acoustic Source Localisation' is accepted to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing.
Dec Tatiana's paper 'IV-Posterior' is accepted to Neurips 2020 workshop.
Aug Tatiana's paper 'Stir to Pour' is accepted to IROS 2020.
Jun Awarded a 3-year extension to my Royal Society URF.
Jan Floyd Chitalu's paper on simulating brittle fracture is accepted -- Eurographics (CGF) 2020.
Jan Martin's paper Vid2Param is accepted -- ICRA 2020.
Dec Tatiana's invited talk at a NeurIPS 2019 workshop.
Dec Martin's paper Vid2Param accepted to RA-Letters.
Aug I will be speaking about robot autonomy and intuitive physics at the Barbican Centre in London.