James Clarke and Mirella Lapata. 2007. Modelling Compression with Discourse Constraints. In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and on Computational Natural Language Learning, 1-11. Prague.

  author = 	 {James Clarke and Mirella Lapata},
  title = 	 {Modelling Compression with Discourse Constraints},
  pages =        {1--11},
  crossref =	 {EMNLP:CONLL:07}

  title = 	 {Proceedings  of the Conference on Empirical Methods
                  in Natural Language Processing and on Computational
                  Natural Language  Learning}, 
  booktitle =    {Proceedings  of the Conference on Empirical Methods
                  in Natural Language Processing and on Computational
                  Natural Language  Learning}, 
  year = 	 2007,
  address =	 {Prague}