Mahesh K. Marina

Institute for Computing Systems Architecture (ICSA)
School of Informatics
The University of Edinburgh

E-mail: mahesh<at>

Phone: +44 (0)131 650 5125

Fax: +44 (0)131 651 5651

Room 1.20, Informatics Forum (Central area campus)

10 Crichton Street
Edinburgh, EH8 9AB
Scotland, UK


I’m a Professor in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh and a Visiting Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University. I have been a Turing Fellow for five years at the Alan Turing Institute since 2018. At Edinburgh, I have served as the Director of Institute for Computing Systems Architecture (one of the six research institutes within Informatics) between August 2018 and July 2022. Before joining Edinburgh, I had a two-year postdoctoral stint at the UCLA Computer Science Department in the Mobile Systems Laboratory headed by Prof. Rajive Bagrodia. I earned my PhD in Computer Science in 2004 from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, where my advisor was Prof. Samir Das. I have previously held visiting researcher positions at ETH Zurich and at Ofcom London. I’m an ACM Distinguished Member and an IEEE Senior Member.


My research is in the area of networked systems with a focus on wireless networks and mobile/edge systems. My current research interests also include cloud service assurance, edge computing, sustainable computing and networking, machine learning systems and quantum systems. My recent research has been mainly on the following topics:

Within Informatics@Edinburgh, I lead the Networked Systems (NetSys) Group. I'm also part of the Security, Privacy and Trust Group and the Quantum Informatics Group.

Publications (Google Scholar, DBLP)



Research Students



I am involved in teaching the following courses:

Professional Service (recent/selected)