Paul Jackson's Home Page

I am a Senior Lecturer in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh and Director of the AIAI research institute. The AIAI (the Artificial Intelligence and its Applications Institute) is one of the six research institutes in the School.
Paul.Jackson (@)
Room 2.12
Informatics Forum
10 Crichton Street
Edinburgh EH8 9AB
United Kingdom



My research interests concern the development of formal verification tools and their application in such areas as hardware verification, software verification, robotics, systems biology and formalised mathematics.

Specific current interests include:

In the past, topics I have been interested in include: If you are looking to do a PhD and any of the above subject areas interest you, please get in touch; I would be happy to discuss possible PhD topics with you.

Publications, Reports and Talks

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Postgraduate Students

Previous PhD students include

Professional Activities

Local Affiliations

Within the School of Informatics, I am a member of the Artificial Intelligence and its Applications Institute (AIAI) and the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS), and an associate member of the Institute for Computing Systems Architecture (ICSA).



Most recently I taught In the past, other courses I have taught or co-taught include: The ISLI was the Institute for System-Level Integration, a venture run between 1999 and 2011 by 4 Scottish universities, including the University of Edinburgh, for the promotion of system-on-chip integrated circuit design.


Each year I supervise final-year undergraduate and MSc projects. Recent subjects of projects at Edinburgh include: Up till 2011 I supervised MSc projects at the Institute for System Level Integration. Projects included: I have also proposed project on such topics as which have not yet attracted takers. If you are looking for a project topic similar to any of the above, please get in touch.


Currently I am Director of the AIAI research institute in the School of Informatics. In the past my most-major adminstrative roles in the School have been that of Senior Tutor (2018-22, 2012-14) and, before that, the similar Senior Director of Studies (2009-12). These roles involved providing support and advice to the School's Personal Tutors and Directors of Studies, and figuring out ways forward for students who were having difficulty with their studies.


Aug 23-present:
Director of the AIAI Research Institute in the School of Informatics.
Sep 11-present:
Senior Lecturer in Informatics at University of Edinburgh
Jan-Mar 03:
Visiting Fellow with the Computer Science Laboratory SRI International, Menlo Pk, California.
Apr 99-Aug 11:
Lecturer in Informatics at University of Edinburgh and in System Level Integration at Institute for System level Integration
98-Mar 99
Lecturer in Informatics at University of Edinburgh.
Research Fellow in Computer Science at University of Edinburgh.
MS, PhD degrees and post-doc in Computer Science at Cornell University, Ithaca NY, USA. Most of this time I was involved with the Nuprl project.
MS in Physics at Cornell University. Studied electron spin resonance in sapphire substrates using superconducting microstrip resonators.
Designed application-specific ICs for US General Electric in North Carolina, USA.
Undergraduate in Engineering at University of Cambridge, England. Electrical Sciences Tripos in 3rd year.

Paul Jackson
Last modified: Wed 1 Nov 2023