Examples directory currently containing just
the scripts from the papers and slides above.
I am also working on a book, provisional title UML Power
Tools, to appear in 2003 (?) from Addison Wesley Longman, on similar
topics. When I have anything in a fit state for people to comment on there
will be a link here... (Ha. It turned out to be impractical, because
too many different versions of the code would have been required to account
for differing UML versions, XMI versions, tools... Project abandonned.)
standards: versions 1.12.0
and in case I again forget to update this page,
should always get you to the current version (1.2 at the time of writing)
Here is one of the proposals to OMG which is under development for
adding diagrammatic interchange into XMI. The absence of this information
is one of the main limitations at present.