Representations of Artificial Intelligence in Cinema: Hybrid Agents

The definition of Cyborg is not widely agreed. Here, I am using it to refer to normal biological entities (e.g. people) that have been enhanced in some manner, e.g. by prosthetic limbs, muscles, sensors, databases, etc, with their reasoning mechanism largely human-like, rather than artificial. Thus, they do not exhibit Artificial Intelligence.

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea1997***
8 Man After1993?
964 Pinocchio1991?
Afro Samurai: Resurrection2009mechanical bodies, human brains
Akira1987 (anime)human/cyborg/energy/life type of thing
Alien: Resurrection1997human, alien and electronic mix
Alita: Battle Angel2019anime, human brain in humanoid cyborg body
Aztec Mummy Vs. the Human Robot/La Momia azteca contra el robot humano1957human/mechanical mix, fighting servant
Battle Angel Alita/Gunnm1993anime, human brain in humanoid cyborg body
The Beyond2017human brain in robot body
Bionic Boy, The1976***
Bionic Ever After?1994?
Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman1989Mechanically augmented humans
Bionic Woman, The1975***
Bloodshot2020Nanotech enhanced human
The Colossus of New York1958human brain in a mechanical body
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes1969human with computer's memories
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes1995 (TVM)human with computer's encyclopedic memories
Cutie Honey: Tears2016augmented human, somewhat magical
Cybernator1991humans with various bio-mechanical enhancements
Cyborg1989human augmented with chip memory, sensors, actuators
Cyborg 20871966?
Cyborg Cop1993(4?)mechanical body with human brain material
Cyborg Cop II/Cyborg Soldier1994mechanical body with human brain material
Cyborg Cop III/Terminal Impact1995human controlled by a chip
Cybornetics: Urban Cyborg2013human brain with biomechanical and electronic augmentation
Dark Future1994?
Deadpool 22018human with mechanical military augmentation
Death Machine1994?
The Death of Superman (anim)2018Exoskeleton suit
The Demolitionist1997female bioenhanced police
District 92009Mechanical exoskeleton




Flesh Wounds2011augmented human warrior
Future War1995some sort of bioenhanced (sensing? strength?) humanoid
Guardians of the Galaxy2014Nebula's cyber-mechanical enhancements
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 22017Nebula's cyber-mechanical enhancements
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 32023Nebula and other's cyber-mechanical enhancements
Ghost in the Machine1993human's spirit takes over electrical machines
Hardcore Henry2015reprogrammed human mind with body enhancements
An Incident at Bridgeville2005?
Independence Day: Resurgence2016alien uploaded into computer
Infra-Man1975Human cyborg superhero
Johnny Mnemonic1995chip enhanced memory
Justice League2017 cybernetically enhanced human ('Cyborg')
Justice League: Zack Snyder's2021 cybernetically enhanced human ('Cyborg')
Lawnmower Man1992human transfers personality into computer base
Leprechaun 4: In Space1996***
Lifepod1993technician with mechanical tool arm
Man with the Screaming Brain2005brain in mechanical body
Mortal Engines2018military biomechanical with an erased human brain
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation1997Mechanically enhanced arms - exoskeleton
Nemesis 2: Nebula1995?
Nemesis III: Prey Harder1995?
Nemesis 4: Death Angel1995?
The Occultist1987?
Prototype X29A1992?
Recon 2022: The Mezzo Incident2007?
Replicas2018human mind transfer into biocomputer
Resident Evil: Apocalypse2004hint of personality replacement/augmentation
The Return of the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman1987Mechanically augmented humans
Robo Vampire1993pseudo-mechanical body built on a damaged human
RoboCop2014mechanical body with human brain material
Robocop1987mechanical body with human brain material. Bushido-like behavior.
Robocop 21990mechanical body with human brain material
Robocop 31993mechanical body with human brain material
Robocop: Prime Directives2000more mechanical body with human brain material. May be seen in 4 movie length parts: Resurrection, Meltdown, Dark Justice, Crash and Burn
Rottweiler2004Rottweiler with cybernetic implants and partial mechanical body
Running Delilah1994?
Scooby-Doo2002mechatronically enhanced dog
Shadow Warriors1996?
The Six Million Dollar Man1973Mechanically augmented human
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse2023mechanical exoskeleton / robot suit
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2018 mechanical exoskeleton / robot suit



Mechanically augmented humans, neuro-connected body suits

Steel and Lace1990?
Superman: Unbound2013cyber-augmented bio-organism (Brainiac) with mechanical robotic controlled extensions
Tammy and the T-Rex1994***
TC 20001993dead person re-animated with a chip
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows2016evil alien in a humanoid exo-skeleton
The Terminal Man1974Brain implant chip designed to control (unsuccessfully) violent impulses. Also of note: the controlled person is an AI scientist who investigates a block pushing mobile robot (state of AI science in 1974 at SRI).
Tetsuo/Iron Man1988 (anime)human becoming machine
Universal Soldier1992biological body with electronic augmentation
Universal Soldier: The Return1999biological body with electronic augmentation
The Vindicator1986?
Virtual Terror1996?
Dr. Who and the Daleks1965biological creatures in mechanical bodies

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