/****************************************************** * * file d:\cips\gpcips.c * * Functions: This file contains * get_parameters * show_parameters * my_clear_text_screen * * Purpose - These functions get image parameters. * * External Calls: * intcvrt.c - get_integer * * Modifications: * 19 February 1987 - These functions were * taken out of the file ip.c. * 28 June 1990 - changed to gpcips and the * channel parameter was removed. * 14 June 1993 - added the function * my_clear_text_screen * ******************************************************/ #include "cips.h" get_parameters(il, ie, ll, le) int *il, *ie, *le, *ll; { int choice, not_finished; not_finished = 1; while(not_finished){ show_parameters(il, ie, ll, le); printf("\n\nEnter choice to change (enter 0 for no changes) __\b\b"); get_integer(&choice); switch (choice){ case 0: not_finished = 0; break; case 1: break; case 2: printf("\nEnter initial line\n___\b\b\b"); get_integer(il); break; case 3: printf("\nEnter initial element\n___\b\b\b"); get_integer(ie); break; case 4: printf("\nEnter last line\n___\b\b\b"); get_integer(ll); break; case 5: printf("\nEnter last element\n___\b\b\b"); get_integer(le); break; } /* ends switch choice */ } /* ends while not_finished */ } /* ends get_parameters */ show_parameters(il, ie, ll, le) int *il, *ie, *le, *ll; { printf("\n\nThe image parameters are:"); printf("\n\t2. il = %4d", *il); printf("\n\t3. ie = %4d", *ie); printf("\n\t4. ll = %4d", *ll); printf("\n\t5. le = %4d", *le); } /* ends show_parameters */ /************************************************* * * my_clear_text_screen() * * This calls Microsoft C functions to clear * the text screen and set a blue background * with gray text. * **************************************************/ my_clear_text_screen() { my_setvideomode(TEXTC80);/* MSC 6.0 statements */ my_setbkcolor(1); my_settextcolor(7); my_clearscreen(GCLEARSCREEN); } /* ends clear_text_screen */