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Vision and Man Machine Interaction

One of the effects of the continued exponential growth in available computing power has been an exponential decrease in the cost of hardware for real time computer vision. This trend has been accelerated by the recent integration of image acquisition and processing hardware for multi-media applications in personal computers. Lowered cost has meant more wide-spread experimentation in real time computer vision, creating a rapid evolution in robustness and reliability and the development of architectures for integrated vision systems [CB94].

Man-machine interaction provides a fertile applications domain for this technological evolution. The barrier between physical objects (paper, pencils, calculators) and their electronic counterparts limits both the integration of computing into human tasks, and the population willing to adapt to the required input devices. Computer vision, coupled with video projection using low cost devices, makes it possible for a human to use any convenient object, including fingers, as digital input devices. Computer vision can permit a machine to track, identify and watch the face of a user. This offers the possibility of reducing bandwidth for video-telephone applications, for following the attention of a user by tracking his fixation point, and for exploiting facial expression as an additional information channel between man and machine.

Traditional computer vision techniques have been oriented toward using contrast contours (edges) to describe polyhedral objects. This approach has proved fragile even for man-made objects in a laboratory environment, and inappropriate for watching deformable non-polyhedric objects such as hands and faces. Thus man-machine interact requires computer vision scientists to ``go back to basics'' to design image descriptions adapted to the problem. In the following sections we describe our experiments with techniques for watching hands and watching faces.

Patrick Reignier
Fri Jul 21 18:22:45 MET DST 1995