Next: Epipolar geometry examples
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The fundamental geometric relationship between two perspective cameras.
- The epipole: is the point of intersection of the line
joining the optical centres---the baseline---with
the image plane. The epipole
is the image in one camera of the optical centre of the other
- The epipolar plane: is the plane defined by a 3D
point and the optical centres. Or, equivalently, by an image point
and the optical centres.
- The epipolar line: is the straight line of
intersection of the epipolar
plane with the image plane. It is the image in one camera of
a ray through the optical centre and image point in the other
camera. All epipolar lines intersect at the epipole.
Epipolar pencil
As the position of the
3D point
varies, the epipolar planes ``rotate'' about the
baseline. This family of planes is known as an epipolar pencil. All epipolar
lines intersect at the epipole.
Correspondences between images
A point in one image generates a line in the other
on which its corresponding point must lie. The search for
correspondences is thus reduced from a region to a line.
This epipolar constraint arises
because, for image points corresponding to the same 3D point, the image points,
3D point and optical centres are coplanar.
Bob Fisher
Wed Apr 16 00:58:54 BST 1997