Interpretation Tree
This page includes a Java applet that allows you to experiment with the
interpretation tree search algorithm. A description of the algorithm may
be found on the
MARBLE project pages.
The applet screen is divided into three areas:
- The control panel at the top allows you to vary the pruning
thresholds used in the search and the level of graphical output that is
produced during the search. These controls are explained in more detail
- The model and data images in the centre allow you to see which
line correspondences are currently being explored.
- The tree display draws the tree as it is being created.
You will probably find that you need to maximize your browser window in
order to see the complete applet. In order that you may still refer to the
instructions, click the middle button here. Below
the applet there is a summary of the controls.
Brief Key:
white: matched features,
pink: ``wildcard'' matches,
blue: unmatched features,
red: current node.
- New Tree re-explores the current tree
- Live toggles the realtime tree display
The Show Failures selector alters the level of graphical verbosity.
- ``Show All Failures'' draws every node expanded in the tree and image
- ``Show No Failures'' draws only the succesful match and wildcard nodes.
- ``Show Failures on Data'' illustrates the current node explored on
the image window as a red line running around the model and data images.
- The Length Min/Max sliders alter the thresholds for acceptance
or rejection of a line-line pair.
- The Angle slider sets the threshold below which two angles are
considered similar.
Image Window
The image window shows the model being searched for on the left and a
scene containing the model on the right. The lines have been extracted
by an edge detection and corner-finding process.
Tree Window
The tree window draws the tree display, automatically resizing the tree to
fit as much as possible in the window. Dragging the window allows other
parts of the tree to be displayed.
If it's been several minutes and you are running Netscape 2 and nothing is
still happening, mail me .