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Classical Cooperative Schemes

In the context of feature-based stereovision algorithms, cooperative schemes were developed to find a reasonable solution to the ill-conditioned matching problem of these type of algorithms. Feature-based stereo algorithms have the following two problems:
  • Disparities can only be estimated where features are present. For all other image areas, values have to be interpolated by some heuristic. The sparseness of stable features makes the estimation of dense disparity maps difficult.
  • Any feature detected in the left image can potentially be matched with every feature of the same class in the right image. The number of possible matches explodes as the feature-density increases.
Cooperative schemes implement in their network dynamics an error-measure which is based on two assumptions, first formulated by D. Marr and T. Poggio in 1976:
  • Uniqueness: in a fixed view-direction, you can see only one object. Clearly, this is not always true. A simple example are transparent objects. Anyway, this translates into allowing only one match along each view-direction. In cooperative schemes, network states with such a property can be facilitated by introducing inhibitory interactions among all disparity detectors responding to the same view-direction.
  • Continuity: object surfaces are continuous - most of the time. Therefore, the distance of objects varies smoothly with viewing direction, except at object borders. This means that neighboring matches should have similar disparity values. One can favor such configurations if one introduces spatial facilitation between neighboring units.
Constraints like these define in conjunction with the raw matches a complicated error-measure which is minimized through cooperative network dynamics. Clearly, this process is iterative and therefore slow. Some of the more common cooperative schemes are described below; in all the displays, image data is fed diagonally into the network composed of horizontal disparity layers. Due to this layout, different different depth planes are stacked vertically above each other.

Overview of Cooperative Schemes

Dev/Nelson Scheme Two of the earliest cooperative schemes which were proposed as a basis for stereo vision were the schemes developed by Dev, 1975, and Nelson, 1975. Each disparity unit was supposed to have excitatory connections with its spatial neighbors. Units at the same horizontal position but tuned to different depths were connected by inhibitory links.
The above schemes were criticized by Marr & Poggio in 1976 for failing to provide a satisfactory algorithm; they switched the inhibitory lines to lines running along the view-directions of the left and right eye, not the depth coordinate. Their algorithm could be shown to solve random-dot stereograms successfully. Marr/Poggio Scheme
Sperling's Scheme Earlier, Sperling had proposed a model without direct spatial facilitation. The spatial spread of inhibitory connections in his model leads to an indirect spatial facilitation by increasing the inhibition at neighboring spatial positions.
In 1985, Prazdny criticized the introduction of inhibition along the direction of the depth coordinate. He realized that this would rule out the perception of transparency. His computational model used only spatial facilitation, but with spreading somewhat in depth. This leads, along an argument similar to Sperling, to an indirect inhibition in the depth direction. Prazdny's Scheme
MFP Scheme One of the most evolved network implementations so far is the one by Pollard, Mayhew & Frisby, 1985. This scheme uses a variety of rules to sort out invalid matches. In addition, disparity units interact along cone-shaped regions. This is very similar in spirit to a combination of the approaches of Sperling and Prazdny.

Comparison to Coherence-based Stereo

Evenso coherence-based stereo is not a feature-based stereo algorithm, the network structure used for coherence-based stereo looks very similar to the network structures described above. Coherence-based Stereo

The link structure which is used in coherence-based stereo turns out to be more or less the inverse of the concepts utilized in traditional cooperative approaches: no spatial facilitation is taking place, and interaction occurs only in the direction of the depth axis. These links are excitatory, not inhibitory.

Units used in classical cooperative schemes are basically units marking the possibility or non-possibility of a match at that position (i.e. they are binary units).

Coherence-based stereo uses disparity units which supply a disparity estimate, i.e., they code a real number. This disparity estimate might be correct or wrong; it is the purpose of the coherence-detection to sort out the correct ones.

Comments are welcome! © 1997 by Rolf Henkel - all rights reserved.