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Reconstruction of 3-D coordinates

 Given that the cameras have been calibrated and the two perspective projection matrices C =[qij] and C'=[q'ij] are known, then for any scene point M with unknown 3-D coordinates (X,Y,Z), that projects onto the two retinal planes at (u,v) and (u',v'), we have

\mbox{\bf C} \left[ \begin{array}
{c} X \\  Y \\  Z \\  1 \e...
 ...t[ \begin{array}
{c} s' u' \\  s' v' \\  s' \end{array}\right].\end{displaymath}

Eliminating s and s' and combining the two equations into matrix form gives

\left[ \begin{array}
 q_{11}-uq_{31} & q_{12}-uq_{32} ...
 ...- q_{24} \\  u' - q'_{14} \\  v' - q'_{24}

This is a linear system in (X,Y,Z). The 3-D coordinates of M can be easily computed.

Robyn Owens