Lighting systems have been significant users of electric energy since the days when Thomas Edison produced the first commercially-successful light bulb. In fact, many electric utilities have the word "Lighting" in their names and many people refer to their electric bill as the "light bill."![]()
In the 1990s there is an increased awareness of the benefits of efficient lighting. Everyone is better off when efficiency is increased. Reducing wasted light lowers a building owner's energy bills, reduces pressure on the electric utilty to raise rates to pay the cost of providing new generating capacity, and reduces the amount of power-plant pollution in our air.
This electronic "booklet" will introduce you to the common light sources in use today. You will learn where they are best applied and whether there may now be a replacement you should consider.
With that bit of introduction let's add to you lighting knowledge.
Please send any comments, complaints, or compliments to the author: Richard Rusk
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