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About the Authors

HIPR was created in the Department of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Edinburgh by the following people:

Dr. Robert Fisher has been a tenured lecturer in the Department of Artificial Intelligence since 1984 and a Senior Lecturer since 1992. He has been researching 3D scene understanding for over 10 years, and has worked on model based object recognition using range data, feature extraction in range data, range data sensors, scanner data and parallel vision algorithms. Recently, he has been investigating model-matching algorithms, automatic construction of geometric models from shown examples and surface inspection using range data. He has been the principal investigator of over 1 million pounds of externally funded research projects, and currently has an EPSRC/ACME range data interpretation project, an EPSRC robotics grasping project, a JISC educational materials development grant and two EC/HCM visiting fellow research grants. He has published two books and over 70 conference and journal papers.

Mr. Simon Perkins is currently a PhD student in the Department of Artificial Intelligence, looking at ways of integrating engineering-based and evolutionary-based methods of robot design to produce mobile robots capable of performing complex visual behaviors. Prior to this he worked full-time on the HIPR project.

Ms. Ashley Walker is working on a PhD thesis in Robotics at the University of Edinburgh. Her work involves modeling of SONAR sensory phenomena and aims to develop signal processing algorithms for use in the construction of acoustic maps for mobile robots.

Mr. Erik Wolfart: After completing his first degree in Electronical Engineering in Germany, he went to Edinburgh in 1993 to do the MSc course in the Department of Artificial Intelligence. He is now based at UK Robotics Ltd and is developing vision systems for environmental modeling and robot control.


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©2003 R. Fisher, S. Perkins, A. Walker and E. Wolfart.

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