import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; import java.util.*; import*; import java.lang.Math; import java.awt.Color.*; /** * The unsharp operator code. * * @author Simon Horne. */ public class Unsharp extends MeanSmooth { public Unsharp(){ } /** * The all 1s kernel. */ public static int [] kernel = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; /** * Subtracts each pixel in pixels2 from the corresponding pixel in pixels1. * * @param pixels1 the first array of pixels * @param pixels2 the array to subtract from the first * @return the resulting array of pixels */ public static int [] pixelSubtraction(int [] pixels1, int [] pixels2){ int [] result = new int [pixels1.length]; for(int i=0;i255) grey3=255; Color c = new Color(grey3,grey3,grey3); result[i] = c.getRGB(); } return result; } /** * Adds each pixel in pixels2 to the corresponding pixel in pixels1. * * @param pixels1 the first array of pixels * @param pixels2 the pixels to add to pixels1 * @return the resulting array of pixel values */ public static int [] pixelAddition(int [] pixels1, int [] pixels2){ int [] result = new int [pixels1.length]; for(int i=0;i255) grey3=255; Color c = new Color(grey3,grey3,grey3); result[i] = c.getRGB(); } return result; } /** * Multiplies each pixel in pixels with the constant. * * @param pixels the array of pixels * @param k the multiplication constant * @return the new array */ public static int [] pixelMultiplication(int [] pixels, double k){ int [] result = new int [pixels.length]; for(int i=0;i255) grey2=255; Color c = new Color(grey2,grey2,grey2); result[i] = c.getRGB(); } return result; } /** * Takes an image and applies the unsharp filter to it. * * @param input the input image array * @param width of the image * @param height of the image * @param k the unsharp constant * @return the new image array */ public static int [] unsharp_image(int [] input, int width, int height, double k){ int [] result = new int [input.length]; result = smooth_image(input,kernel,width,height,1); result = pixelSubtraction(input,result); result = pixelMultiplication(result,k); result = pixelAddition(result,input); return result; } }