Tutorials on topics in 1D Signal Analysis


  1. Representations

    1. Hidden Markov Models
    2. Finite State Automata
    3. Grammars
  2. Methods

    1. Parsing
    2. String Matching/Searching
    3. Unification
  3. Core Techniques

    1. FFT
    2. Cepstral Analysis
    3. Wavelets
  4. Applications

    1. Speech Understanding
    2. dna/protein/amino acid sequence matching

Details of the content

  1. Representations

    1. Hidden Markov Models
      1. A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Applications in Speech Recognition Lawrence R. Rabiner, Proceedings of the IEEE, 1989
      2. Markov Random Fields and Stochastic Image Models Charles A. Bouman ICIP'95
      3. An Introduction to the Kalman Filter Greg Welch and Gary Bishop
      4. An Introduction to Conditional Random Fields for Relational Learning Charles Sutton and Andrew McCallum
      5. Hidden Markov Models Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac, and Roger Boyle
      6. Hidden Markov Model Methodology Steve Levinson
      7. Learning Hidden Markov Models to fit long term dependencies P. Dupont and J. Callut, ERCIM workshop, 2005
      8. A Markovian Approach to the Induction of Regular String Distributions J. Callut and P. Dupont, ICGI, 2004
      9. Links between Probabilistic Automata and HMMs P. Dupont, 2004
      10. A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models Dirk Husmeier
      11. Hidden Markov Models Narada Warakagoda
    2. Finite State Automata
      1. Finite State Automata Jan Daciuk
      2. Programming: Finite State Automata Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne
      3. Finite-State Automata and Regular Languages Eitan M. Gurari
      4. Finite State Machine Minimization Steven Skiena
      5. Finite-state Automata Bradley Kjell
      6. Finite State Automata Eric Torng
      7. Finite Automata - Web Resources Information Technology Portal, India
    3. Grammars
      1. Grammars Mikel L. Forcada
      2. Notes on Formal Language Theory and Parsing, James Power, National University of Ireland
      3. Grammars and Parsing Bill Wilson
      4. Regular Grammar Shunichi Toida
      5. Stochastic grammatical inference with multinomial tests C. Kermorvant and P. Dupont, ICGI 2002
      6. Inductive and Statistical Learning of Formal Grammars P. Dupont, 1997
      7. Grammatical Inference: formal and heuristic methods P. Dupont, 2002
      8. Regular Grammar Sushil Prasad
      9. Courses and Tutorials on Grammatical Inference Grammatical Induction Community
  2. Methods

    1. Parsing
      1. Parsing Techniques Aravind Joshi
      2. Packrat Parsing: Simple, Powerful, Lazy, Linear Time Bryan Ford
      3. Parsing Charles F. Schmidt
      4. Notes on Formal Language Theory and Parsing, James Power, National University of Ireland
      5. Grammars and Parsing Bill Wilson
      6. Parsing Alison Cawsey
    2. String Matching/Searching
      1. String Matching Steven Skiena
      2. Exact String Matching Algorithms Christian Charras and Thierry Lecroq
      3. String Searching Alison Cawsey
    3. Unification
      1. What is Unification? Joseph Goguen
      2. Variables and Unification Tamsin Treasure-Jones
  3. Core Techniques

    1. FFT
      1. Fourier Transform Wolfram Mathworld
      2. An Intuitive Explanation of Fourier Theory Steven Lehar
    2. Cepstral Analysis
      1. Cepstrum Analysis Guido GeBl
      2. Cepstrum Analysis N. Morgan
      3. Cepstrum Analysis Leah H. Jamieson
    3. Wavelets
      1. Wavelet Wolfram Mathworld
      2. An Introduction To Wavelets Amara Graps, IEEE 1995
      3. Wavelets: Software and Applications Geert Uytterhoeven, PhD Thesis 1999
      4. Wavelets for Kids Brani Vidakovic and Peter Mueller, AMS 1991
      5. Wavelets Web Resources
  4. Applications

    1. Speech Understanding
      1. Optimization and Search in Speech and Language Processing John Bridle
      2. Speech analysis techniques Guillaume Gravier
      3. Phonetics Tutorials Phonetics & Linguistics, UCL
      4. A tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and selected applications in speech recognition L. Rabiner
    2. dna/protein/amino acid sequence matching
      1. Application of hidden Markov models in Bioinformatics Dirk Husmeier
      2. Detecting Recombination in DNA Sequence Alignments Dirk Husmeier
      3. Protein Information Resource Georgetown University Medical Center

Online Video Tutorials

  1. Digital Signal Processing
    1. Alternatives to the Discrete Fourier Transform (Doru Balcan et al., 0:32')
    2. Noise Filtering and Microarray Image Reconstruction Via Chained Fouriers (Karl Fraser, 0:24')
    3. Solving the data association problem in multi-object tracking by Fourier analysis on the symmetric group (Risi Kondor, 0:34')
  2. Speech Analysis
    1. Speech production models for automatic speech recognition (Richard Ros, 2:52')
    2. Facial expression recognition and emotion recognition from speech (Dragos Datc, 0:28')
    3. Audio-Visual Speech Analysis and Recognition (Nassos Katsamani, 0:33')
    4. Open Vocabulary Speech Analysis in VITALAS (Daniel Schneider, 0:21')
    5. Confidence Measures in Speech Recognition (Stephen Cox, 0:38')
    6. A Support Vector Machine Approach to Dutch Part-of-Speech Tagging (Mannes Poel, 0:22')
    7. Speech-to-Speech Translation Services for the Olympic Games 2008 (Sebastian Stuke, 0:24')
    8. Words in puddles of sound (Padraic Monaghan, 0:25')
    9. IBM Speech Activity System (Etienne Marcheret, 0:20')
    10. Speaker Localization: introduction to system evaluation (Maurizio Omologo, 0:29')
    11. Modelling Intra-Speaker Variability for Improved Speaker Recognition (Hagai Aronowitz, 0:21')
    12. Tandem Connectionist Feature Extraction for Conversational Speech Recognition (Barry Chen, 0:16')
    13. Multistream Recognition of Dialogue Acts in Meetings (Alfred Dielmann, 0:30')
    14. Overlap in Meetings: ASR Effects and Analysis by Dialog Factors, Speakers, and Collection Site (Ozgur Cetin, 0:28')
    15. On the Adequacy of Baseform Pronunciations and Pronunciation Variants (Chuck Wooters, 0:24')

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