Tutorials on topics in symbolic pattern recognition


  1. Pattern Recognition

    1. General
  2. Representations for Symbolic Reasoning

    1. Blackboards
    2. Decision Trees
    3. Frames
    4. Graphs
    5. Languages, Formal and Informal
    6. Modal Logic
    7. Predicate calculus
    8. Production Rules
    9. Semantic Nets
    10. Situation Calculus
  3. Methods for Symbolic Reasoning

    1. Case-based Reasoning
    2. Grammar Induction
    3. Graph matching
    4. Logic Programming
    5. Parsing
    6. Planning
    7. Rule matching
    8. Search
    9. Theorem Proving
  4. Applications

    1. Network Security
    2. Natural Language Processing
    3. PDF to HTML translation
    4. Semantic Networks
    5. Computer Games
    6. Blackboards
    7. Clinical Decision Support
    8. Face Recognition

  1. Pattern Recognition

    1. General
      1. Web Resources and Links for Image Recognition, Pattern Recognition, Face Recognition, Information Technology Portal
  2. Representations for Symbolic Reasoning

    1. Blackboards
      1. Blackboard Systems, Dave Marshall, Cardiff University
      2. An Introduction to Blackboard-Style Systems Organization, Karl Pfleger and Barbara Hayes-Roth
      3. Blackboard Technology, PC AI Online
      4. Blackboard Systems Daniel D. Corkhill, Blackboard Technology Group Inc
      5. Annotated Blackboard-System Bibliography, BBTech Corporation
    2. Decision Trees
      1. Decision Tree Primer Craig W. Kirkwood, Arizona State University
      2. Decision trees, Rudjer Boskovic Institute
      3. Decision Trees, AAAI
      4. Overview of Decision Trees, University of Regina
      5. Decision Tree Analysis, MindTools
      6. Decision Trees, J E Beasley, Brunel University
    3. Frames
      1. Frames and MOPs, Chris Riesbeck, Northwestern University
      2. A Framework for Representing Knowledge, Marvin Minsky
      3. Frame Problem, University of Michigan
    4. Graphs
      1. Graph Data Structures, Bell College
      2. A tutorial on planning graph-based reachability heuristics, Daniel Bryce and Subbarao kambhampati, AI Magazine
      3. Graph Data Structures, The Stony Brook Algorithm Repository
      4. Graphs: Theory - Algorithms - Complexity, Thomas Emden-Weinert
    5. Languages, Formal and Informal
      1. Notes on Formal Language Theory and Parsing, James Power, National University of Ireland
      2. Finite Automata - Web Resources, Information Technology Portal - India
    6. Modal Logic
      1. Modal Logic, Stanford University
      2. Possible Worlds, Belief, and Modal Logic: a Tutorial, Anthony H. Dekker
    7. Predicate calculus
      1. Predicate Calculus, Stefan Waner and Steven R. Costenoble, Hofstra University
      2. Introduction to Logic, Oxford University
      3. Predicate Logic, Tampere University Of Technology
    8. Production Rules (see also grammars/languages)
      1. CVonline: Production Rules, Bob Fisher, list of resources
      2. Production Rules, Bill Wilson, University of New South Wales
    9. Semantic Nets
      1. Aesthetic Computing: A Brief Tutorial, Paul A. Fishwick, University of Florida
      2. Semantic Networks, Semantic Research, Inc
      3. Actual examples of semantic networks, Dave Jonassen, University of Missouri
    10. Situation Calculus
      1. Situation Calculus, John McCarthy, Stanford University
      2. The Wumpus World, Giorgio Ingargiola
  3. Methods for Symbolic Reasoning

    1. Case-based Reasoning
      1. Case-Based Reasoning Resources, David W. Aha
      2. Case-Based Reasoning, Google Directory
      3. Case-Based Reasoning: Foundational Issues, Methodological Variations, and System Approaches, Aamodt and Plaza
      4. Case-based reasoning and software engineering, Shepperd
    2. Grammar Induction
      1. Grammar induction references, Pierre Dupont
      2. Courses and Tutorials on Grammatical Inference, Grammatical Induction Community
    3. Logic Programming
      1. Foundations of Logic Programming, Vladimir Lifschitz, University of Texas
      2. A Tutorial on Proof Theoretic Foundations of Logic Programming, Paola Bruscoli and Alessio Guglielmi, Technische Universitat Dresden
      3. Prolog and Logic Programming, Peter Hancox, University of Birmingham
      4. Logic Programming, Tutorial of Oz, Seif Haridi and Nils Franzen
    4. Parsing
      1. Notes on Formal Language Theory and Parsing, James Power, National University of Ireland
      2. Grammars and Parsing, Bill Wilson, University of NSW
    5. Planning
      1. AI and Problem Solving: Planning, Jocelyn Paine
      2. PlanSIG, UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group
    6. Rule-Based Systems
      1. Modeling Rule-Based Systems with EMF, Chaur G. Wu
      2. Conventional AI: Production systems and expert systems, Jocelyn Paine
      3. Problem Solving Architectures, Richard Griffiths, University of Brighton
      4. Teach Psys1, Tom Khabaza
    7. Search
      1. Topic #26: Depth-First Search, McGill University
      2. Graph Search Algorithms, Alison Cawsey
      3. State-space Search
        1. Search in State Space Representations, Giorgio Ingargiola
        2. Notes: State Space Search, Ralph Morelli
        3. Lecture 11 -- State-space search, Chris Atkeson
        4. A* algorithm tutorial, Justin Heyes-Jones
    8. Theorem Proving
      1. The TPTP Problem Library for Automated Theorem Proving, Geoff Sutcliffe and Christian Suttner, University of Miami
      2. Formal Methods Tutorial, John Rushby, with slides
  4. Applications

    1. Network Security
      1. Netfilter/iptables (rule matching)
    2. Natural Language Processing
      1. Tutorials from Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing 2005
      2. Introduction to Natural Language Process (NLP), Peter Coxhead, University of Birmingham
    3. PDF 2 HTML
      1. Using Graph Matching Techniques to Wrap Data from PDF Documents
    4. Semantic Networks
      1. WordNet - Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms
      2. Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)
      3. VerbOcean - broad-coverage semantic network of verbs.
    5. Computer Games
      1. Computer Bridge: A Big Win for AI Planning
      2. AI in Games
    6. Blackboards
      1. HEARSAY II - speech recognition system
      2. HASP - enemy submarine detection
      3. Modelling intracellular signalling networks using behaviour-based systems and the blackboard architecture
    7. Clinical Decision Support
      1. PROforma. Formal knowledge representation method for the development and execution of clinical guidelines
    8. Face Recognition
      1. Face recognition by elastic bunch graph matching, L. Wiskott, J.M. Fellous, N. Kruger, and C. von der Malsburg

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