SpeakerOscar Täckström
DateDec 03, 2015
Time11:00AM 12:30PM
LocationInformatics forum 4.31/33
TitleEfficient Constrained Inference and Structured Neural Networks for Semantic Role Labeling
BioOscar Täckström is a research scientistat Google in New York, where he works primarily on the semantic analysis oftext and question answering from structured knowledge bases. Before joiningGoogle in 2013, he was a PhD student in the computational linguistics group atUppsala University and a research scientist at the Swedish Institute ofComputer Science. In his thesis, he explored the use of incomplete andcross-lingual supervision for learning statistical models in natural languageprocessing. Together with Ryan McDonald and Jakob Uszkoreit, he received theIBM Best Student Paper Award at NAACL 2012.

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