- 04-23-2003: The Projects Web page has been updated with
the project presentation order. Please confirm your team's order.
Attendance is compulsory and you will be marked on the basis of
your questions and comments during the presentations.
- 04-22-2003: Grade statistics for HW2 has been posted.
They will be returned in class today.
- 04-15-2003: HW3 has been cancelled. Redirect all
your efforts into the project preparation. We will draw lots for project presentation
order in the next class. Groups who would rather prefer presenting on the
first day, please volunteer during the lots.
- 04-07-2003: Project Web page is up. Please send email
to Aaron (adsouza@usc.edu) with your team members and project title
so that you can be listed. The order of presentation will be
decided based on lots.
- 03-19-2003: Your Midterm has been graded and statistics
posted on the web at Grade
- 03-04-2003: ÊHW1 has been corrected and will be returned
in class today. Check the grade statistics by following the appropriate
links. and see where you stand.
- 01-27-2003: A new security feature has been
added to the Class Notes. You should have got instructions how to access
it if you are part of the class mailing list
- 01-14-2003: Welcome to a new session of Machine Learning