Vashti Galpin
Laboratory for
Foundations of Computer Science
School of Informatics
University of Edinburgh
ORCID: 0000-0001-8914-1122
BScHons MSc(Wits) PhD(Edin)
Wine Master
Current Research Interests
- Provenance and data quality
- Programming languages and databases
- Quantitative modelling and performance evaluation
- Concurrency, process algebras and formats
Older links (with abstracts and documents)
Vashti Galpin <Vashti.Galpin@ed.ac.uk>
Vashti Galpin <vashti@gaon.net>
Slides from a recent presentation giving an overview of current work
Poster presented at SciDataCon 2022 at International Data Week 2022.
Poster presented at RDA Plenary 17.
Slides presented at IDCC 2021.
CARMA micro-architecture model
(CARMA installation instructions)
CARMA SDN fat-tree topology models