Modelling Residential Smart Energy Schemes

V. Galpin

Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops (SASOW 2014), 49-54, 2014


This paper considers how a smart energy solution for residential areas can be modelled in stochastic HYPE, a process algebra that describes instantaneous, discrete stochastic and continuous deterministic behaviour. The system involves PHEVs (plug-in hybrid electric vehicles) which have batteries that can be charged either from the grid or from wind turbines, and can be viewed as a collective adaptive system (CAS). With a language such as stochastic HYPE, easy experimentation with the model and exploration of modifications of the basic scenario are possible. However, simulation can be infeasible for more complex models or larger models, and the paper discusses future work involving abstractions of the model that mitigate this problem.


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