Women in computing around the world: the ACM-W Ambassador Program

V.C. Galpin, D. Gürer, R. Ayfer, A. Condon, A. Craig, U. Martin, V. Oechtering, M. Suriya and J. Ara

Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, Vancouver, 10-12 October 2002


This panel considers the status of women in computing internationally. Objectives are to increase awareness about the situation of women in computing in different countries, to facilitate interaction between women in computing from different countries and to introduce the ACM-W Ambassador Program (http://www.acm.org/women). The panel members are ambassadors chosen by ACM-W (ACM's Committee on Women in Computing), and they will present information about women in computing in their countries. After the presentations, discussion will cover how women's participation can be increased, and information will be requested about women in computing in countries not currently represented by the ACM-W Ambassador Program. 

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