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On discovering a fire: In JCMB the fire services are called automatically when the alarm is activated at any point in the building.

There are appointed Fire Stewards for each area in the Division selected from Academic, Computing and Technical staff. They will check their respective areas and ensure that all have left the building. When requested by a Fire Steward to leave it is IMPERATIVE that you comply without hesitation.

There may be occasions when a very minor fire is encountered (e.g. fire in a waste bin), which may be dealt with using the fire extinguisher situated at the fire points. The incident should then be recorded in the appropriate incident book,held by the Division Safety Representative in room 1413.

In the event of the fire alarm sounding, leave the building and do not return until the all clear is given by an official at either of the building entrances or by a Fire Steward.

Outwith office hours (9am to 5pm) there may be no Fire Stewards available. The procedure, however, is the same. Leave the building and do not return until the all clear is signalled at either entrance (users should, in this instance, make their way to the safety areas at either side of the building and await the all clear signal).

Persons in wheelchairs require a special comment here. On hearing the alarm sound, if they are on level 1 or 2, they may proceed out as normal and no doubt will be assisted by others responding to the alarm. If they are higher in the building they should not attempt to leave but use the nearest telephone to contact the servitors box and give their location. The servitors will know the location of the ``fire'' and will advise the caller either to stay at his present location or instruct the caller to move to the other end of the building. If the caller is advised to move to a new location, the servitors must be contacted again and the new location given, along with the telephone number. An Emergency Team member will have in the meantime been delegated to join the person in the wheelchair and to remain with him or her until the Brigade arrive and take command of the situation. Remember, the servitor's phone may well be engaged when you call but will only be so for short intervals and you must keep calling till contact is established.

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Dave Hamilton