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Hand Tracking

Jamie Sherrah and Shaogang Gong

Tracking human body parts and motion is a challenging but essential task for modelling, recognition and interpretation of human behaviour. In particular, tracking of at least the head and hands is required for gesture recognition in human-computer interface applications such as sign-language recognition. Existing methods for markerless tracking can be categorised according to the measurements and models used [5]. In terms of measurements, tracking usually relies on intensity information such as edges [6,2,13,4], skin colour and/or motion segmentation [19,10,7,12], or a combination of these with other cues including depth [9,19,14,1]. The choice of model depends on the application of the tracker. If the tracker output is to be used for some recognition process then a 2D model of the body will suffice [12,7]. On the other hand, a 3D model of the body may be required for generative purposes, to drive an avatar for example, in which case skeletal constraints can be exploited [19,14,4], or deformable 3D models can be matched to 2D images [6,13]. When tracking multiple overlapping objects such as human head and hands under real-world conditions, three main problems are encountered: ambiguity, occlusion and motion discontinuity. Ambiguities arise due to distracting noise, mis-matching of the tracked objects, and the possibility of occlusion. If the objects are part of the same articulated entity, such as the human body, domain knowledge can be used to resolve some of the ambiguities. A common and robust approach for real-time tracking is to combine multiple visual cues [17,18]. However, in the domain of cues such as skin colour and motion, occlusion still presents a problem because body parts such as hands can become virtually indistinguishable. Therefore joint tracking of the body parts must be performed with an exclusion principle on observations [15,11]. Often depth information and temporal dynamic models are exploited to overcome the occlusion problem, for example [19,10]. However depth information requires multiple cameras, and introduces its own problems of calibration and inaccuracy. Further, spatio-temporal continuity cannot always be assumed as the basis for tracking. Often body motion may appear discontinuous since the hands can move quickly and seemingly erratically, or undergo occlusion by other body parts. Therefore methods such as Kalman filtering that are strongly reliant upon well-defined dynamics and temporal continuity are generally inadequate. On the other hand, a wide range of domain knowledge beyond the visual input is typically utilised by a human observer to reduce reliance on spatio-temporal consistency. The problem of tracking a person's head and hands in 2D from a single camera view is addressed in [16]. To deal with noise and ambiguity problems, a view-based data fusion approach is adopted. Inexpensive visual cues, namely motion, skin colour and coarse intensity-based orientation measures are extracted from a near-frontal view of a subject. Examples of these cues are shown in Figure 1. Skin colour and motion are natural cues for focusing attention and computational resources on salient regions in the image. The hand orientation information is used to disambiguate the hands when they cross over in the image. Note that although distracting noise and background clusters appear in the skin image, these can be eliminated at a low level by ``AND''ing directly with motion information. However, fusion of these cues at this low level of processing is premature and causes loss of information. For example, the motion information generally occurs only at the edges of the moving object, making the fused information too sparse. In this approach the cues are fused at a higher level using a Bayesian Belief Network.

Figure 1: Example of visual cues measured from video stream: (a) original image; (b) binary skin colour image; and (c) binary motion image.

Under the assumption that the subject is approximately facing the camera, the head skin cluster can be tracked reliably using the mean shift algorithm dispite occlusion by the hands [3]. A sequential connected components algorithm [8] can then applied to a sub-sampled image to obtain a list of skin-coloured pixel clusters in the image. Under the assumption that the head and hands form the largest moving connected skin coloured regions in the image, tracking the head and hands reduces to matching the previously tracked body parts to the skin clusters in the current frame. However, skin clusters can be indistinguishable, and only discontinuous information is available as though a strobe light were operating, creating a ``jerky'' effect. Moving body parts are not merely independent dynamic objects in isolation. They correlate closely for a functional purpose, especially when they are used to express certain semantic expressions or behaviour. Let us now examine more closely the nature of the underlying knowledge when we try to successfully associate and track interacting body parts. For instance, we know that at any given time a hand is either:
associated with a skin colour cluster, or
it occludes the face (and is therefore ``invisible'' using only skin colour) as in Figures 2(b) and (c), or
it has disappeared from the image as in Figure 2(d).
When considering both hands, the possibility arises that both hands are associated with the same skin colour cluster, as when one clasps the hands together for example, shown in Figure 2(e).

Figure 2: Examples of the difficulties associated with tracking the body: (a) motion is discontinuous between frames; (b) one hand occludes the face; (c) both hands occlude the face; (d) a hand is invisible in the image; and (e) the hands occlude each other.

We assume that only the two largest skin clusters other than the head can potentially be hands. Note that one body part can only correspond to one cluster, but a cluster may correspond to one, two or three of the body parts. Some examples of possible scenarios are:
Three clusters observed: One corresponds to the head, one to the left hand, and one to the right.
Two clusters observed: One corresponds to the head, the other to clasped hands.
One cluster observed: Both hands occlude the face, or are missing from the screen.
At first glance the situation seems trivial, however there are many other possibilities. In scenario 1, one of the clusters may be a distracting background object, in which case the remaining non-head cluster may correspond to one hand, or both hands. In scenario 2, one hand may occlude the face and the other correspond to the non-head cluster, or the cluster may not be a hand at all. Given such contextual knowledge, the task is to determine which of the skin-coloured clusters corresponds to each body part. In [16], a discrete Bayesian network was used to probabilistically consider these possibilities and infer the most likely associative configuration.

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Shaogang Gong