A special case:
the linear reflectance map

First, consider a reflectance map which is a linear combination of p and q, illustrated in Figure 6, below and expressed as

Figure 6: The linear reflectance map, and the monotonic function f

The function f is monotonic and also illustrated in Figure 6. Hence if we know a value for image brightness at a point we can determine directly the value of ap+bq from the inverse of the function . Hence we have (as before) one constraining equation on the values of p and q.

Now, the slope of the surface at an angle to the x-axis is

Choose a particular direction where , perpendicular to the iso-brightness contours, along the line of steepest ascent(descent) of the reflectance function.

since and . However, in the linear case, we know that so we can determine the slope directly in this particular direction from Equation. This is the key to the method of characteristic strip expansion. Knowing the reflectance function, we take a small step in the direction of greatest brightness change in the image function, . This produces a change in depth, z of . The direction of movement in the image plane is parallel to the direction of of the line through in the gradient space. Hence,


Integrating Equation 28,

This gives the basic algorithm for shape recovery.

Start the solution at a known point 


Take a small step along a characteristic strip along the line of steepest descent of the image function Calculate the new from Equation 30 Calculate from Equation 31 Reset start point to UNTIL ( a discontinuity is reached in the image function)

To recover the shape of a whole surface, we need several strips; this implies that we need several starting points. From each starting point we explore the surface along the direction. However, in general, the reflectance map is not linear, so that the characteristic strips are not straight lines in image space.

[ Recovering shape from shading | The general case ]

Comments to: Sarah Price at ICBL.