The Simple

Where and rank(A) = n, then the solution is overdetermined; i.e. we have more than the minimum number of points required to fit the given surface. It may be that a surface can be formed which passes through all of the given points, but in general this is unlikely so a best fit is required. There are a number of solutions to this problem; the one given to minimise the least square geometric error is from Pratt. The algorithm is stated as follows, but a discussion and proof of the approach can be found in Lawson and Hanson.

For example, consider again the planar case; assume we have 4 points.


Then we form the matrix, A,

and is

and is


Substitute the several terms in the above matrix by constants, since each is computed from the set of data points. Hence and so on. The matrix is now


Compute the Cholesky decomposition. Then U is defined as (in list format),

Deleting the last line, and replacing with the basis set of the plane, we define the equivalent polynomial matrix to Equation 39

Replacing the constant, non-zero coefficients we have the solution as the determinant,

which is


As an example, we show a depth image below and a segmentation into surface patches. In fact, the problem was constrained by the knowledge that only planar and cylindrical patches were in the scene, and the classification is quite good.

Figure 6:   Depth segmentation: analysis of local curvature then surface fitting

[ The exact fit | A variation and an example of a planar fit ]

Comments to: Sarah Price at ICBL.