Fish4Knowledge Homepage

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You can also find some:

  1. Archives of undersea data from project cameras
  2. F4K Underwater Aquarium and Exhibition Hall in Second Life and Unity
  3. Public Deliverables (mainly reports)
  4. Publically Downloadable Datasets
  5. Background Publications
  6. Project Publications
  7. Project Talks and Public Presentations
  8. Project Public Engagement
    • CWI Press release (Sept 28, 2010): New technology from Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica sheds light on biodiversity in coral
    • The Intelligent Workflow in Fish4Knowledge - An EU funded project with Taiwanese Partners, presented to The Scottish Parliament Cross-Party Group on Taiwan, 13 May 2015
  9. Results Examples
  10. Interesting related web sites
    1. NEPTUNE Canada: a regional-scale underwater ocean observatory that plugs directly into the Internet
    2. The Fish Database of Taiwan
    3. Taiwan National Center for High-Performance Computing
    4. Venus: Victoria Experimental Network Under the Sea
    5. Workflow Enactment in the EcoGrid
    6. Ontology-driven fish stock depletion assessment system
  11. Public Source Code