The search for sound principles for object-oriented languages has given rise to much work on the theory of programming languages during the past two decades, leading to a better understanding of the key concepts of object-oriented languages and to important developments in type theory, semantics, and program verification. The FOOL workshops bring together researchers to share new ideas and results in these areas. The next workshop, FOOL 12, will be held in Long Beach California, on Saturday 15 January 2005, the day after POPL.
Submissions for this event are invited in the general area of foundations of object-oriented languages; topics of interest include language semantics, type systems, program analysis and verification, programming calculi, concurrent and distributed languages, database languages, and language-based security. Papers are welcome to include formal descriptions and proofs, but these are not required; the key consideration is that papers should present novel and valuable ideas relating to foundations for object-oriented languages. The main focus in selecting workshop contributions will be the intrinsic interest and timeliness of the work, so authors are encouraged to submit polished descriptions of work in progress as well as papers describing completed projects.
A world-wide web page will be created and made available as an informal electronic conference proceedings.
Go to FOOL 2005 Submission Page: FOOL 2005 Submissions (managed by START).
Correspondence and questions should be sent to
Sophia Drossopoulou, Imperial College
Kathleen Fisher, AT&T Labs
Giorgio Ghelli, University of Pisa
Martin Odersky, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Benjamin Pierce, University of Pennsylvania (chair)
Philip Wadler, Edinburgh University, e-mail:
Andrew Black (PSU, Portland, US)
Cedric Fournet (Microsoft, UK)
Jacques Garrigue (Kyoto, Japan)
John Mitchell (Stanford, US)
Tobias Nipkow (Munich, Germany)
Martin Odersky (Lausanne, Switzerland)
David Ungar (Sun, US)
Mirko Viroli (Cesena, Italy)
Philip Wadler (Edinburgh, UK) [Program Chair]
Mitchell Wand (Northeastern, US)
Stephanie Weirich (Pennsylvania, US)