Accessibility testing for Iain Murray’s homepage

Pages were manually inspected with reference to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 by Iain Murray.

In addition to manual inspection, pages were checked in the WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool, and I checked that I could change font sizes and colours in Firefox.

Several issues were fixed across many pages between 2020-08-01 and 2020-08-03, including increasing colour contrast, and improving link text. Headings on the main page were marked with semantic <h2> tags. A search box was added to the foot of each page as part of addressing Success Criterion 2.4.5 Multiple Ways. Then aria markup was added to page blocks, and forms. To support this upgrade, the pages were converted to HTML5, which required some compatibility fixes to replace obsolete tags such as <acronym>.

We inspected the main welcome page and all of the pages on this site that are directly linked to from there. We then followed links to several pages at random from those pages.

When we identified technical issues with the HTML code of the pages, or systematic issues with presentation, we attempted to fix these issues across all pages.

Except for old PDFs, we are not aware of any remaining violations of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 at the AA level. However, there are more than 100 pages on this site, which is maintained in the spare time of a single individual. Some of the pages are nearly 20 years old. It is likely there are some remaining problems, especially in archived, obsolete pages. We aim to continue to seek out and fix these problems.