Three passing workshops @ Newcastle Circus Fest 2024

Thanks for your interest in the world of passing, juggling with other people. We’ll use clubs, but you’re welcome to come with balls, rings, or other props.

These workshops are based on established “folk-lore”. If you’re interested in finding out more, check out:

Passing for total beginners

11am Saturday
All welcome, to learn or help. No juggling experience required!

Main goal: pass 5 objects between 2 people (balls, clubs or other props). Animated illustration (with balls).

We’ll do a pattern where you don’t have to be able to juggle objects by yourself. You’ll throw things away and only catch things that come in from your partner. People often manage the pattern, even if they say they’re not coordinated, and even if they’ve never picked up a juggling club before. That said, having a more experienced partner helps greatly if you can get one. Expert passers are welcome to join in and help some beginners…

Passing for total beginners workshop notes and further information — includes stretch goals and next steps for future practice sessions.

Zaps passing

2pm Saturday
Pre-requisite: 3‑count (pass-self-self)

A “zap” is a fast, snappy low pass, that reaches the other juggler more quickly than a normal pass (animation of zaps).

Zaps are fun to do, and open up a larger space of passing patterns than you get with just the usual single or double spin passes. This workshop will demonstrate some introductory zap patterns, with no double spin throws. You’ll need to be able to pass with both hands and concentrate, but no prior zap experience is needed.

Zaps passing workshop notes and further information

Jim’s passing

12pm Sunday
Pre-requisite: 3‑count (pass-self-self). It’s mostly easier than the zaps workshop.

Jim’s patterns: take a traditional (synchronous) passing pattern like 3‑count (pass-self-self) or bookends (pass-pass-self-pass-self), … but one person crosses all their passes. You make it work by throwing with whichever hand has to. When a hand is forced to throw twice in a row, it’s called a “hurry”.

By the end of this workshop everyone should be able to juggle Jim’s 3‑count and probably Jim’s 2‑count. There is also more advanced optional material.

Jim’s passing workshop notes and further information