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B. LOD Locality in the Perfect Club


This appendix highlights the localized dynamic distribution of LODs executed amongst the statically compiled LODs within each program from the Perfect Club. Figure 20 shows the cumulative frequency distribution for the static LOD events in each program, accumulated in decreasing order of frequency. This statistic indicates the degree to which the run-time penalty is localized within the set of all LOD points for a program.

One can observe the well-known locality principle in action, with the vast majority of LODs actually being caused by either a small fraction of the LOD points in each program, or a small actual number of LOD points if the total number of LOD points is very small (as in the case of TRFD). This suggests that the process of tuning programs for a decoupled architecture ought to be relatively straightforward; one must find the dominant LODs and attempts to remove them or reduce their frequency by appropriate structural transformations.

Figure 20: Graph showing dynamic locality of LOD events in the Perfect Club.