
I'm always interested in talking to motivated students about possible PhD positions. Note however, that I typically hire students with an MSc or a track record in research. Please get in contact if you are interested in joining my group!

Funding: There are a number of funding avenues at the University of Edinburgh, including the Centres for Doctoral Training in Biomedical Innovation, Machine Learning Systems, Designing Responsible Natural Language Processing, and Dependable and Deployable Artificial Intelligence for Robotics. There are also studentships available for strong candidates. Deadlines for applying are typically between November and January.

Projects: There are several active research directions at the moment that I'm looking to collaborate with students on. Some examples of these include: (i) unsupervised depth and shape estimation from images and video (see here and here), (ii) algorithms for teaching fine-visual grained knowledge to humans (see here and here), and (iii) deep models for estimating the spatial and temporal distributions of objects in the natural world (see here and here). I'm also open to new ideas and directions.

Applying: Before going through any formal application process, please send me an email (oisin (dot) macaodha (at) with the keyword phd-enquiry in the subject. It is also very helpful if you can tell me a bit about why you want to do a PhD, why you want to work in my group, and what topics you are interested in. Please also include an up-to-date CV and a transcript with your grades.