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Description Evidence

This relationship gives direct evidence for an object, because all properties of the description type (i.e. a generic objects) are also object properties - the type is a description of the object. The object may have several description types: a "square" is both a "rectangle" and a "rhombus". Hence, evidence for a description type is also evidence for an object that uses the description, and this is expressed by a plausibility relationship.

Constraints that help specify the description evidence computation are:

Formally, the description evidence computation is defined:

  a model instance of type $M$ in image context $C$
  a set {($D_i,w_i$)} of descriptions $D_i$ of $M$ with associated weights $w_i$
  a set {$p_i$} of plausibilities of description $D_i$ in context $C$
Then, using the modified harmonic mean, the description evidence is:
  $evd_{desc} = harmmean(\{(p_i,w_i)\})$
The resulting weight of evidence is:
  $w_{desc} = \sum w_i$

If no description types are defined, this computation is not applied. The portion of the network associated with this evidence is similar to those shown above.

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Bob Fisher 2004-02-26