If we are able to efficiently calculate both the gradient,
, and the Hessian matrix, A, at a given point
a then we can use more efficient algorithms for locating
the minima. In the above an iterative solution was required both
because we were dealing with non-linear functions and in order to
build up an estimate of the Hessian (either directly or indirectly).
If we have a twice-differentiable analytic form for the function
we can generate the Hessian directly.
The Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) Method uses a neat trick to take
advantage of this.
We saw above that if A is a good approximation to the
actual form at the minimum (this is usually close to the true minimum) then
we should update our current estimate of the minimum, a,
However, if we are too far from the minimum A may not be a good approximation to the local shape of the function, and the best we can do is to move in a downhill direction
The LM algorithm combines these approaches in the following way:
Define a new n x n matrix from A as follows
Where is a regularization constant. At any point, a, the suggested next point is given by
) where x is the solution to
is small
, so we get a Newton-type jump toward the minima. When
is large
becomes diagonally dominant and x gives a guess at a
suitable downhill step.
We start with a modest value for , say 0.001, and evaluate
The algorithm then proceeds as follows:
The algorithm iterates until some convergence criteria are reached. Typically
this means that we stop when successive improvements in the value of
only change its value by some small fraction ( for instance