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Summary of the rectification algorithm

Given the high diffusion of stereo in research and applications, we have endeavored to make our algorithm as easily reproducible and usable as possible. To this purpose, we give the working MATLAB code of the algorithm; the code is simple and compact (22 lines), and the comments enclosed make it understandable without knowledge of MATLAB. The usage of the rectify function (see MATLAB code) is the following:

  function [A,R,t] = art(P)
  % ART: factorize a PPM as  P=A*[R;t]
  Q = inv(P(1:3, 1:3));
  [U,B] = qr(Q);
  R = inv(U);
  t = B*P(1:3,4);
  A = inv(B);
  A = A ./A(3,3);

  function [T1,T2,Pn1,Pn2] = rectify(Po1,Po2)
  % RECTIFY: compute rectification matrices 
  % factorize old PPMs
  [A1,R1,t1] = art(Po1);
  [A2,R2,t2] = art(Po2);
  % optical centers (unchanged)
  c1 = - inv(Po1(:,1:3))*Po1(:,4);
  c2 = - inv(Po2(:,1:3))*Po2(:,4);
  % new x axis (= direction of the baseline)
  v1 = (c1-c2);
  % new y axes (orthogonal to new x and old z)
  v2 = cross(R1(3,:)',v1);
  % new z axes (orthogonal to baseline and y)
  v3 = cross(v1,v2);
  % new extrinsic parameters 
  R = [v1'/norm(v1)
  % translation is left unchanged
  % new intrinsic parameters (arbitrary) 
  A = (A1 + A2)./2;
  A(1,2)=0; % no skew
  % new projection matrices
  Pn1 = A * [R -R*c1 ];
  Pn2 = A * [R -R*c2 ];
  % rectifying image transformation
  T1 = Pn1(1:3,1:3)* inv(Po1(1:3,1:3));
  T2 = Pn2(1:3,1:3)* inv(Po2(1:3,1:3));

The MATLAB anc C implementation of the algorithm can be found on line.

Andrea Fusiello