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Definition of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

Let us take into consideration the definition of Fourier transform in the continuous domain first: Under certain conditions upon the function p(t) the Fourier transform of this function exists and can be defined as

where tex2html_wrap_inline511 and f is a temporal frequency. With the inverse Fourier transform, the original signal is given by:

Let us take into consideration now the case of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). In this case we have a finite number N of samples of the signal p(t) taken at regular intervals of duration tex2html_wrap_inline519 (which can be considered a sampling interval). In practical cases the signal p(t) has not an infinite duration, but its total duration is tex2html_wrap_inline523 and we have a set tex2html_wrap_inline525 of samples of the signal p(t) taken at regular intervals. We can define tex2html_wrap_inline529, where tex2html_wrap_inline531, for tex2html_wrap_inline533, is the sampling coordinate.

In the case of the discrete Fourier transform, not only we want the signal to be discrete and not continuous, but we also want the Fourier transform, which is a function of the temporal frequency, to be defined only at regular points of the frequency domain. That is to say that the function tex2html_wrap_inline535 is not defined for every value of tex2html_wrap_inline537 but only for certain values tex2html_wrap_inline539. We want the samples tex2html_wrap_inline541 to be regularly spaced as well, so that all the samples tex2html_wrap_inline539 are multiples of a dominant frequency tex2html_wrap_inline545, that is to say tex2html_wrap_inline547, for tex2html_wrap_inline549. Let us note now that T is equal to the finite duration of the signal p(x) from which we want to define its discrete Fourier transform. Note also that we assume the number of samples in frequency to be equal to the number of samples in the temporal domain, that is N. This is not a necessary condition, but it simplifies the notation.

All that said, the direct extension of Definition (1) to the discrete domain is:

Considering that tex2html_wrap_inline539 can assume only discrete values tex2html_wrap_inline559 and tex2html_wrap_inline561 can assume only discrete values tex2html_wrap_inline563, it is possible to rewrite Definition (3) as:

It is now possible to simplify and express the dependence on tex2html_wrap_inline539 only in terms of m and the dependence on tex2html_wrap_inline561 only in terms of n. In that way the final definition of the DFT is:

And the inverse of the discrete Fourier transform (IDFT) as:


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Bob Fisher
Sun Mar 9 20:42:02 GMT 2003