Although the above-mentioned depth recovery algorithm is non-iterative, the final accuracy of reconstruction highly depends on the accurate estimation of the fundamental matrices. Moreover, it does not embody one of the nice feature of the affine factorization method, that is, use of all of the images at the same time in a uniform manner. This problem can be resolved by estimating depths in an iterative manner[1,5,15].
be SVD of the measurement matrix
with singular values
. If there is
no noise in
is rank 4 and hence
. With the presence of noise,
not exactly rank 4. If the noise is small, however,
still nearly rank 4 and
are almost zero.
So, we define a measure indicating the rank 4 proximity of
and estimate depths {} which minimize this measure as a
Let and
be n-th column of
respectively. Differentiating
both sides of
using relations
, we obtain
with and
, where each
is a 3-vector corresponding to i-th frame. Using this
equation, we can compute first derivatives of J with respect to
. Therefore J can be minimized by standard optimization
technique such as a conjugate gradient method. Computing second
derivatives is also possible which allows to adopt Newton-like methods.
We initialize the minimization process by taking
as unity
for all i and k which means we start with an affine projection.
F+P-1 depth parameters are fixed throughout the iteration process as
stated in (12).