CVonline: Applications
General Application Notes
Index to Application Topics
- Agricultural (Plant) / Forestry
- Animal Image Analysis
- Architectural/Construction
- Character Recognition (Printed and Handwritten)
- Commercial Applications
- Cultural / Heritage
- Document Processing
- Entertainment/Media Industry
- Forensic
- Human
- Human-Computer Interfaces
- Enhancement and Restoration
- Industrial
- Measurement
- Medical (Veterinary and Human)
- Meteorological
- Military
- Navigation, Mobility and Vehicle Control
- Remote Sensing
- Robotics
- Scientific
- Safety, Security, and Surveillance
- Sports
- Traffic and Transport
- Virtual Reality
- Vision and Language
- Other
The Applications
- Agricultural (Plant) / Forestry
- Crop Quality Inspection
- Crop Treatment/Weed Classification and Control
- Aquaponic/Hydroponic
- Disease Detection and Diagnosis
- Field crops
- Chlorophyll Content Prediction
- Crop Health / Disease Analysis
- Biotic Stress Estimation
- Cereal/Grain Inspection
- Corn Ear Inspection
- Leaf Disease Analysis
- Rice Grain Classification / Disease Diagnosis
- Crop Row Detection
- Damaged Crop Detection
- Flower Detection / Counting
- Harvest Control
- Precision Agriculture
- Soil Nutrient Analysis
- Agricultural Spray Pattern Analysis
- Volunteer Plant Detection
- Weed Detection
- Wetness Estimation
- Yield Estimation
- Forest Survey/Tree Crown counting (See also Fire detection)
- Fruit
- Crop Yield Estimation
- Fruit Detection / Location
- Fruit Grading
- Olive Oil Quality Assessment
- Orchard Tree Counting
- Ripeness Estimation
- Mangoes
- Strawberries
- Harvest Scheduling
- Hyperspectral plant and soil analysis
- Land Management
- Plant disease and parasite identification, Mildew and fungus detection
- Plant Health / Condition Monitoring / Plant stress analysis
- Pollen Identification
- Timber/Log/Wood
- Disease identification, e.g. Dutch Elm
- Yield Prediction
- Animal Image Analysis
- Species Identification
- Aquatic animals/fish
- Age Analysis
- Detection, tracking, species classification, and abundance estimation
- Freshness Analysis
- Shape Modeling, Tracking and Counting
- Whale identification
- Flying animals/insects
- Counting
- Greenhouse Monitoring
- Tracking and Behaviour Analysis
- Land animals
- Animal Detection, Tracking and Counting
- Animal Behavior
- Flock Tracking
- Lameness Detection
- Mouse and Rat Behavior
- Pig Behavior
- Animal Identification / Re-identification
- Cow Identification
- Dog Identification
- Panda Identification
- Zebra Identification
- Free-range Animal Distribution Monitoring
- Meat yield prediction
- Chicken
- Pregnant Animal Monitoring
- Architectural/Construction
- Archeological Applications
- Building Description
- Building Site Survey
- Building Recognition
- Concrete Crack Detection
- Sewer Survey
- Character Recognition (Printed and Handwritten)
- Arabic (modern)
- Arabic (handwritten)
- Bengali
- Chinese
- Farsi (Persian) Character Recognition
- Ethiopic Character Recognition
- Gujarati Character Recognition
- Indic character recognition
- Japanese
- Korean
- Roman Letters
- Cursive
- Hand Printed
- Machine Printed
- South Indian (Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada) Character Recognition
- Slant Normalization
- Western (aka Arabic) Digits
- Commercial Applications
- Advertising
- Bank Checks
- Banknote Inspection
- Bar-Code Reading
- Coin Authentication
- Currency Verification and Recognition
- Seal Verification
- Shopping Checkout Monitoring
- Vegetable Recognition/Veggie Vision
- Cultural / Heritage
- Architectural Fragment Reconstruction
- Cultural Heritage Modelling and Analysis
- Dance Description
- Fresco Reconstruction
- Matching Ostraca / Potshard Writing Surfaces
- Painting Authentication, Style Description, Style Transfer, and Similiarity Matching
- Pottery Shard Classification
- Document Processing
- Diagram Understanding
- Blueprints
- Cartoons/Sketches
- Electronic Circuits
- Floor Plan Analysis
- Map Analysis
- Music Scores
- Document Mosaicing
- Equation Understanding
- Form and Layout Understanding
- Handwritten Note Cleaning/Letter Analysis
- Historical Document Transcription
- Post Code Recognition
- Post Metering Analysis
- Signature/Writer Verification
- Skew Correction
- Trademark Database Indexing
- Watermark Extraction
- Entertainment/Media Industry
- Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality
- Registration
- Virtual Sets
- Color Processing
- Color Demosaicing
- Color Matching
- Image Dehazing / Fog Removel
- Decoloring/optimal color to grey conversion
- Computer Games
- Player Adaptation/Insertion
- Media synthesis
- Image synthesis from text prompts
- Video synthesis from text prompts
- Mobile Phone
- Word Detection and Translation
- Video
- Coding
- Compression
(See also Image Compression)
- Copyrighted symbol detection
- Cut Detection/Scene Segmentation
- Databases
- Post-Production
- Text Detection, word detection
- Video Copy/Duplicate Detection
- Video Digitization
- Video Inpainting
- Video Transition Effect Detection
- Forensic
- Blind Image Forensics
- Tampering Detection
- Deepfake Detection
- Crime Scene Reconstruction
- Face Indexing and Identification (See also Person Authentication and Identification)
- Fingerprints
- Fingerprint Indexing and Identification
- Fingerprint Liveness Assessment
- Shoeprint Recognition
- Smartphone Image Acquisition Forensics
- Human
- Biometrics
- Age progression
- Cancellable Biometrics
- Celebrity Recognition (See also Person Authentication and Identification)
- ECG Biometric Recognition
- Eye Sclera (white) vasculature pattern
- Face-based Kinship Inference
- Finger Vein/Capillary Pattern
- Gait Analysis and Walker Identification
- Hand Geometry
- Handwriting Recognition
- Kinship Verification
- Knuckleprint Recognition
- Lip Shape Recognition
- Liveness Assessment
- Nose Shape Recognition
- Palm Print Verification
- Physical Quantification: age, beardedness
- Psychological Quantification: smileness, honesty, pain
- Retinal Patterns
- Signature Identification and Verification
- Tongueprint
- Tooth Fillings (xray)
- Body
- Abdominal Fat Estimation
- Behavior Analysis
- Abnormal Behavior Detection
- Assembly Activity Recognition
- Activity Classification
- Untrimmed Videos
- Daily Living Activity (ADL) Recognition
- Eating Recognition
- Exercise Recognition and Evaluation
- Falling and Slipping Recognition
- Fighting Detection
- Inter-person Interaction Understanding
- Kitchen Activity Recognition
- Motion Quality Assessment (see also Sports)
- Sport Activity Classification (see also Sports)
- Detection
- Group Detection
- Part-Based Person Detection
- Pornography Detection
- Silhouette Segmentation
- Whole Body Detection
- Gender Recognition
- Model Acquisition and Animation
- Motion Tracking
- Movement Analysis and Shape Recovery
- Appearance Based Approaches
- Articulated
- Exemplar Based
- Data Acquisition
- Multi-View
- Single View
- Geometric Model Based Approaches
- 2D Articulated
- 3D Articulated
- Exemplar Based
- Loose Models
- Marker Based
- Pose Tracking
- Poselets
- Skeleton-based
- Pose Estimation
- Joint-Angle Estimation
- Posture Estimation
- Person Location/Counting/Following
- Posture Analysis
- Tattoo Retrieval
- Feet
- Foot Scanning/Shape Analysis
- Hands
- Gesture Detection and Analysis
- Hand Sign Recognition
- Location and Tracking
- Heads and Faces
- Age estimation
- Age Progression
- Attractiveness estimation
- Detection, Location and Tracking
- Encoding and Compression
- Expression Understanding
- Micro-Expression Recognition
- Eyes
- Eye Blink State Detection
- Eye Location / Tracking
- Feature Location and Tracking
- Gaze Location, Direction Estimation and Tracking
- Gender/Ethnicity Recognition
- Lip Shape Analysis, Tracking and Reading
- Model Acquisition and Animation
- 3D Face Reconstruction
- Baby Face Reconstruction
- Uncalibrated Face Reconstruction
- Skin Detection and Color Analysis (See also TSL color space)
- Smile detection
- Speech Emotion Recognition
- Human-Computer Interfaces
- Assistive Interfaces
- Blind/Visually Impaired Person Support
- Elderly Falling Detection
- Elderly Forgetfulness Assistance
- Visual Mouse
- Game Interfaces
- Image and Video Enhancement and Restoration (See also Noise Reduction and Image Restoration)
- Camera Motion Compensation/De-jittering
- Color Correction
- Color Transfer
- Focus Blurring Correction
- Image Region Completion / Inpainting
- Motion Deblurring
- Nighttime / Dark Image / Video Enhancement
- Object Removal
- Fog / Haze Removal
- Illumination Artifact Removal
- Raindrop Removal
- Scratch and Streak Removal
- Watermark Removal
- Prettification
- Red Eye Detection and Correction
- Restoration Quality Assessment
- Stabilization
- Image and Sequence Stabilization
- Binocular Image Stabilization
- Style Transfer
- Temporal Resampling
- Video Restoration
- Industrial
- Employee Monitoring
- Alertness Monitoring (See also Driver Alertness/Fatigue Monitoring)
- Unsafe / Restricted Area Monitoring
- Factory Automation
- Assembly Feedback
- Food Manufacture
- Inspection
- Carpet
- Ceramics
- Disk Head
- Damage Quantification
- Glass and Transparent Materials
- Absorption Defects
- Scattering Defects
- Industrial Parts/Castings
- Integrated Circuits
- Appearance Based
- Range Data Based
- Missing Component Detection
- LCD/Plasma/TFT Display Inspection
- Leather
- Paper/Recycled Paper
- Particle Counting
- Pharmaceutical Tablet Inspection
- Printed Circuit Boards
- Slate Tiles
- Solder Joints
- Steel
- Structural Strain
- Structural Crack Detection
- Tea Inspection
- Textiles/Fabrics/Cloth
- Timber/Wood (See Forestry->Timber)
- Part Pose Estimation
- Part Recognition
- Particle Counting
- Process Control
- Paint Spraying
- Robot control and feedback
- Weld Seam Tracking
- Wood Use/Timber Cutting (See Forestry->Timber)
- Reverse Engineering
- Reverse Engineering from Diagrams
- From Motion
- Reverse Engineering from Object Contours
- From Range Data
- From Single Views
- From Sparse 3D
- Tool Wear Assessment
- Measurement
- Geometric Morphometrics
- Medical (Veterinary and Human)
- Animal Disease and Parasite Identification
- Color or Hyperspectral Intensity Image Based
- Bacterial Infection Classification
- Breast Thermogram Image Analysis
- Capsule Endoscopy Image Analysis
- Colposcopy/Cervical Abnormality
- Facial Paralysis Anaysis
- Laryngeal Image Analysis
- Pain Quantification
- Photoplethysmography Blood Pulse Monitoring
- Retinal Images
- Blood vessel detection
- Diabetes assessment
- Tortuosity estimation (hypertension)
- Lesion detection
- Macular degeneration assessment
- Optic disk segmentation
- Skin Analysis, including Cancer
- Surgical Instrument Detection
- Microscope-Based
- Cell Nucleus Segmentation
- Bone Marrow Cell Detection and Classification
- Chromosome Analysis
- HEp-2 cell classification
- Histopathology Classification
- Immunofluorescence Image Analysis
- Lymphoma Analysis
- Malaria Parasitaemia Quantification
- Parasite Detection and Classification
- White Blood Cell Classification
- Multi-Mode/Multi-Image Registration and Fusion
- Scanner-Based
- Abdominal Organ Extraction
- Aneurysm Detection
- Arterial Tree Segmentation
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Classification (fMRI)
- Bone Detection and Segmentation
- Brain Age Estimation
- Brain Section Segmentation
- Bronchial Tree Extraction
- Cardiac Shape Extraction and Tracking
- Cartilage Analysis
- Cervical, Spinal and Lumbar Vertabral Analysis
- Cochlear Image Segmentation
- Colorectal Polyp Detection
- Cortical Shape Extraction
- Femur and Pelvis Segmentation
- fMRI Brain Analysis
- Hippocampal and Amygdala Segmentation
- Limb Extraction
- Microaneurysm Detection
- Mid-saggital Plane Detection
- Movement Compensation
- Beating Heart
- Respiration
- Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation
- Muscle Fiber Orientation Tracking
- Prostate Segmentation and cancer detection
- Pulmonary nodule detection
- Radiotherapy Planning
- Real-time Surgical Support
- Spleen and Liver Segmentation
- Stroke Type Classification
- Structure Extraction
- Tumor Detection
- Virtual Endoscopy
- Ultrasound/echocardiography-based
- Artery/vein wall thickness estimation
- 3D Reconstruction
- Blood Flow Monitoring
- Cardiac ejection fraction estimation
- Cardiac Monitoring
- Carotid Artery Analysis
- Fetal Monitoring
- Liver cirrhosis analysis
- Molar pregnancy detection
- Ovarian
- Xray-based
- Angiography
- Bone Densitometry
- Breast Scan/Mammogram
- Covid Detection
- Femur Fracture Classification
- General Tumor Detection
- Lung Segmentation and Analysis
- Skeletal Age Estimation
- Other
- Atlas-based Registration and Segmentation
- Bone Loss Assessment
- Deformable Biological Shape Models
- Dental Impression Analysis
- DNA/Genome Analysis
- Fetal Surgery
- Hand-washing monitoring
- Optical Coherence Tomography
- Placental Maturity Staging
- Skeletal Scintigraphy
- Meteorological
- Cloud classification
- Cyclone/Hurricane Detection
- Weather Classification
- Military
- Aircraft Detection, Identification, Tracking
- Camouflaged Object Detection
- Landmine Detection
- Missile Detection and Tracking
- Target Recognition/Tracking
- Vehicle Detection
- Navigation, Mobility and Vehicle Control
- Docking Control
- Ground Tracking and Following
- Local Traffic Analysis
- Location Recognition
- Map Registration and Self-Localization
- Appearance Based
- Intensity Feature-Based
- Landmark Detection
- Radar/Range Sensing/acoustic
- Obstacle Detection and Avoidance
- Road Following
- Trajectory Correction
- Vehicle Control
- Remote Sensing
- Airport Analysis, Landing Strip Identification
- Change Detection (See also Change and Moving Object Detection)
- RGB / Hyperspectral Image Based
- SAR Image Based
- Cloud Identification/Tracking
- Crop/Land-Use Identification, Segmentation, and Survey
- Drainage Network Analysis
- Flood Area Analysis
- Forests and Trees
- Counting
- Deforestation Assessment
- Forest Fire Detection
- Thinning Assessment
- Hyperspectral image analysis
- Image-to-Map Registration
- Lake, Reservior, and River Height Assessment
- Material Classification
- Multiple Scan Registration
- Parking Lot / Car Park Usage
- Photogrammetry
- Remote Object Detection
- Boat Detection
- Body Detection
- Building Detection
- Oil Spill Analysis
- Power Line Detection and Inspection
- Road Detection, Extraction and Matching
- Sea Ice Detection
- Small Object Detection (Superresolution)
- Sea/Ocean Wave Analysis
- Ship/Seaport Analysis
- Terrain Analysis and Understanding
- Urban Structure Classification
- Robotics
- Robot Localization
- Floor Plan Extraction
- Marker Based
- Omni-directional Cameras
- SLAM Based
- Visual Servoing
- Robot Motion Control
- Docking
- Obstacle Avoidance
- Path Following
- Robo-Cup Soccer Analysis
- Scientific
- Astronomical
- Aurora Image Analysis
- Coronal Event Analysis
- Cosmic Microwave Cold Spot Detection
- Galaxy detection and shape analysis
- Solar Flare Detection
- Star Catalog
- Star detection and analysis
- Biological (See also Microscope-based medical image analysis)
- Bird Classification
- Butterfly and Moth Classification
- Fungi Classification
- Gel Electrophoresis Image Segmentation
- Leaf and Leaf Vein Identification
- Microarray Data Classification
- Plankton Classification
- Plant Phenotyping
- Plant Species Identification
- Root System Analysis
- Metallurgical Crystal Analysis
- Physics
- Particle Tracking
- Protein Folding Recognition
- Safety, Security, and Surveillance
- Car Park Surveillance
- Change Detection (See Change and Moving Object Detection)
- Flame and Fire Detection
- Metal Detection
- Multi-Camera Networks
- People
- Anomalous Behavior Detection
- Crowd Counting
- Crowd Behavior Analysis
- Egocentric Action Recognition
- Intruder Detection and Tracking
- Normal Action Recognition
- Pedestrian Surveillance
- Person Authentication and Identification
- 3D Data Methods
- Color Texture Methods
- Database Retrieval
- Ear detection
- Ear Recognition
- Eigenface/Laplacianface Methods
- Frontal
- Intensity Texture Methods
- Iris Segmentation and Recognition
- Liveness Detection
- Model Based Methods
- Motion-Based Recognition
- Periocular Face Recognition
- Profile
- Spoofing Detection
- People Counting
- Person Re-identification
- Queue Analysis
- Steam and Smoke Detection
- Surveillance Prioritization
- Workflow Verification and Monitoring
- Vehicle Re-identification
- Sports
- Boxing Punch Analysis
- Cricket Swing Analysis
- Diving Analysis
- Event Detection/analysis
- Football/Soccer Player Tracking
- Golf Swing Analysis
- Gymnastic Analysis
- Play Annotation
- Spectator Analysis
- Swimming Analysis
- Tennis Swing and Movement Analysis
- Traffic and Transport
- Aerial
- Airport Monitoring
- UAV detection and tracking
- UAV landing zone detection
- Automotive
- ADAS - Autonomous Driving Assistance System
- Blind Spot Monitoring
- Curb/Kerb and Step Detection
- Driver Alertness/Fatigue Monitoring (See also Employee Alertness Monitoring)
- Fog Detection
- Driver Support
- Driving Event Detection and Classification
- Other Vehicle Detection and Behavior Analysis
- Obstacle Detection
- Passing/Overtaking Detection
- Pedestrian Detection
- Road Sign Identification
- Traffic light detection and analysis
- Passenger counting and waiting analysis
- Passenger monitoring
- Railroad Analysis
- Road Structure Analysis
- Pothole Detection
- Road and Pavement/Sidewalk Crack Analysis
- Road Lane Detection
- Seaport Monitoring
- Tunnel Inspection
- Traffic Analysis
- Vehicle Detection, Recognition, Monitoring and Tracking
- Auto-Rickshaw / Rickshaw
- Bicycle
- Bus
- Car
- Motorcycle
- Truck / Lorry
- Other (scooter, rollerskates)
- Vehicle License/Number Plate Analysis
- Vehicle Model Identification
- Visual Navigation and Odometry
- Visual Place / Location Recognition
- Virtual Reality
- Architectural Model Construction (see Architectural/Construction Model Reconstruction)
- Object Model Construction
- VR from Intensity Data
- VR from Range Data
- Vision and Language
- Captioning
- Sports Summarization
- Text Detection in Video
- Visual Question Answering
- Other
- Calibration Target Detection and Mark Extraction
- Clothing Shape Understanding and Recognition
- Food Nutrition Content Prediction
- Food Recognition
- Garment motion analysis
- Image Mosaicing
- Image Stitching
- QR code detection and recognition
- Steganography/Information Hiding
- Texture Synthesis
- Underwater Image Analysis
- Underwater Color Image Restoration
- Video Sequence Synchronization
- Video Temporal Resampling
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