DERMOFIT Project Publications
The publications produced by DERMOFIT or linked projects are:
C. Di Leo, V. Bevilacqua, L. Ballerini, R. Fisher, B. Aldridge, J. Rees;
"Hierarchical Classification of Ten Skin
Lesion Classes",
Proc. Dundee Medical Image Analysis Workshop, 2015.
R. B. Aldridge, R. Fisher, L. Ballerini, K. Robertson, Y. Bisset, J. L. Rees,
"Do laypersons have intrinsic pattern recognition abilities that could be
harnessed to allow the accurate and early diagnosis of skin cancers?",
British Journal of Dermatology. 162, 4, p. 949-950, Apr 2010.
R. Aldridge, D. Glodzik, Y. Bisset, L. Ballerini, K. Robertson, L. Xi, L. Naysmith, R. Fisher & J. Rees,
"Dermofit: a novel software that improves novices' diagnostic accuracy to a level above that of trained medical students",
Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 130, p. S72-S72, Sep-2010.
- R.B. Aldridge, M. Zanotto, L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher, J. L. Rees,
"Using multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) and hierarchical clustering, novices can sub-classify basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) in a similar manner to experienced dermatologists",
- R. B. Aldridge, M. Zanotto, L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher and J. L. Rees,
"The 'ABCD' mnemonic does not function as a useful guide in assisting novices with the diagnosis of melanoma", British Journal of Dermatology, 165(1s), 55-56, July 2011.
- L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher, R. B. Aldridge, Jonathan Rees,
"A Color and Texture Based Hierarchical K-NN
Approach to the Classification of Non-melanoma Skin Lesions",
in M.E. Celebi, G. Schaefer (eds.), Color Medical Image Analysis,
Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics 6,
ISBN 978-94-007-5389-1, Springer, 2013.
A draft version is here.
L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher, B. Aldridge, J. Rees,
"Non-Melanoma Skin Lesion Classification using Colour Image Data in a Hierarchical K-NN Classifier",
Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), May 2012.
- X. Li, B. Aldridge, R. Fisher, J. Rees,
"Estimating the ground truth from multiple individual segmentations
incorporating prior pattern analysis with application to skin lesion segmentation",
Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI.11), April 2011, electronic proceedings.
M. Zanotto, L. Ballerini, B. Aldridge, R. B. Fisher, J. Rees,
"Visual cues do not improve skin lesion ABC(D) grading",
Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging Vol 7966, pp 796600-1 to 796600-10, Orlando, 2011.
R. B. Aldridge, M. Zanotto, L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher, J. L. Rees,
Novice identification of melanoma: not quite as straightforward as the ABCDs,
Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 2(91), pp 125-130, 2011.
R. B. Aldridge, D. Glodzik, L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher, J. L. Rees,
The utility of non-rule based visual matching as a strategy to allow novices to achieve skin lesion diagnosis,
Acta Dermato-Venereologica, vol 91, pp 279-283, 2011, preprint.
R. B. Aldridge, X. Li, L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher, J. L. Rees,
Teaching Dermatology Using 3-Dimensional Virtual Reality,
Correspondence, Archives of Dermatology, 146(10), Oct 2010.
A draft version is here.
X. Li, B. Aldridge, J. Rees, R. B. Fisher,
Estimating the ground truth from multiple individual segmentations with application to skin lesion segmentation,
Proc. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, Coventry, pp 101-106, 2010.
L. Ballerini, X. Li, R. B. Fisher, B. Aldridge, J. Rees,
Content-Based Image Retrieval of Skin Lesions by Evolutionary Feature Synthesis,
Proc 12th Euro. Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Image Analysis and Signal Processing, Istanbul, pp 312-319, April 2010.
N. A. Laskaris, L. Ballerini, R. B. Fisher, B. Aldridge, J. Rees,
Fuzzy Description of Skin Lesions,
Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging, Paper 7627-42, San Diego, pp 762717-1 to 762717-10, 2010.
X. Li, B. Aldridge, L. Ballerini, B. Fisher, and J. Rees,
"Depth Data Improves Skin Lesion Segmentation",
Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Medical Image Computing and Computer
Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), London, pp 1100-1107, 2009.
L. Ballerini, X. Li, R. B. Fisher, J. Rees,
"A Query-by-Example Content-Based Image Retrieval System of Non-Melanoma Skin Lesions",
Proc. MICCAI-09 Workshop MCBR-CDS 2009: Medical Content-based Retrieval for Clinical Decision Support,
London, B. Caputo et al. (Eds.): MCBR_CBS 2009, LNCS 5853, pp. 10--17. Springer, Heidelberg, 2009.
S. McDonagh, R. B. Fisher, J. Rees,
"Using 3D information for classification of non-melanoma skin lesions",
Proc. Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, Dundee, pp 164-168, 2008.
J.L. Rees, Y. Bisset, T. Lukins, C. Urquhart, H. Ravidranath, R. Fisher,
"3D visualisation of skin lesions in photogrammetry",
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 127(S19), 2007.
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