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Binary line drawing of house

args[0] (hse1)

The original image

args[0] (hse1rob1)

Result of applying the Roberts Cross edge detector to hse1.

args[0] (hse1fou1)

Fourier Transform of hse1. Displayed after histogram equalization.

args[0] (hse1msk3)

Lowpass frequency filtering kernel.

args[0] (hse1fou2)

Result of multipling the Fourier Transform of hse1 with hse1msk3.

args[0] (hse1fil1)

Inverse Fourier Transform of hse1fou2.

args[0] (hse1msk1)

Vertical stripe smoothing frequency mask for hse1.

args[0] (hse1fil2)

Result of multiplying the frequency domain representation of hse1 and hse1msk1, and then inverse Fourier Transforming (and normalizing) the product.

args[0] (hse1msk2)

Vertical stripe preserving frequency mask for hse1.

args[0] (hse1fil3)

Result of multiplying the frequency domain representation of hse1 and hse1msk2, and then inverse Fourier Transforming (and normalizing) the product.

args[0] (hse1fil4)

Result of thresholding hse1fil3.


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©2003 R. Fisher, S. Perkins, A. Walker and E. Wolfart.

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