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Operator Experimentation Workspace

There is now a workspace where you can interactively connect the HIPR operators into larger sequences to evaluate how the operators work in a sequence, or to compare the effects of the operators.

You may want to review the general instructions first, which gives a demonstration overview, JAVA details, browser details, known bugs, etc.

To run the workspace, click here. The actual workspace will pop-up in a separate window when it is loaded.

An example of the tableau in action can be seen in figure Figure 1. The network is shown in the bottom right window, the input image in the upper left, and the two output images in the bottom left and top right. Behind you can see the Network Loader (you can save networks) window with the supplied adaptive thresholding demonstration network (athdemo.hjv).

Figure 1 Adaptive thresholding network example

Workspace Instructions

Any local instructions on how to run the multi-operator workspace are here.

Starting the tableau will create an empty operator workspace. In this area, you create and link instances of operators. You may resize the tableau if large networks are created.

File Interface

Left click and holding on the File menu bar item will pull down a menu containing these items:


Left click and holding on the Components menu bar item will pull down a menu containing ten items. The first nine are families of operators organized in the same manner as the nine HIPR operator worksheet sections. The tenth item allows construction of network infrastructure.

Each of the operator groups have submenus listing the operators contained in that group. You access the submenu in the usual menu manner.

Pulling the mouse onto an operator name creates an instance of the operator, which appears as a box in the upper left of the workspace. Each time you do this a new operator box appears, and they are numbered consecutively by box type.

There are several mouse click operations that can be applied on the operator boxes:

Most of the operators listed under the nine categories are the same operators as shown on the individual worksheets. Additional operators are:

The tenth category creates boxes needed for input/output and special operators:

Network Construction

To do anything interesting, you need to connect together operators and the input/output boxes. This is easy to do: left click on the output of an operator and drag the green dot to the input of another operator. Dropping the dot should connect the corresponding operator output and input. You can send the output from an operator to several operators by dragging and dropping additional links. You can move a link by holding a left click on a green dot and moving it to a new location. A link is deleted by dropping the green dot on the workspace background.

You always need to have at least one input image (use ImageLoad) and to see the results you need to use the ImageDisplay operators.

As you connect operators or change parameters, the latest results always propagate through the network, with reapplication of the operators at each stage. This may take some time and the workspace and displays are unresponsive until the results are fully propagated. Don't make operator loops. This will cause the workspace to hang in an infinite loop.

If you need a larger workspace, just do a normal window resize.

To help you with network connections, we have given some operator connections type labels, such as K2 for the output of the two state morphological kernel, which is connected to a corresponding K2 input of a morphological operator.

Sample Networks

To illustrate the tableau capabilities and also show some standard image processing sequences, we provide some example networks

Known Bugs/Improvements needed

The parameter, image load and display panels don't have a close button other than the standard window closing button. Don't use this one because it kills off the whole workspace. Just minimize the windows.

Each parameter and image display window should have the operator name appear in the title bar. This does not seem to appear under all window managers.

The only way to save result images is to use a screen grab facility, such as that provided in xv. This will save the appearance of the image, but not necessarily the correct values. The general reason for this is the restrictions JAVA/browsers apply to saving files in users' filespaces.

The pull-down menus on some of the operator parameter panels don't seem to pull-down properly, leaving some of the pull-down hidden behind the edge of the frame. This can be overcome by stretching the parameter panel vertically.

If the network hangs or partially loads a network, you may have run out of working memory (e.g. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError). Open the JAVA console to check for error messages. Exit your browser and restart it with more memory?


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©2003 R. Fisher, S. Perkins, A. Walker and E. Wolfart.

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