Please send any enquiries via email (with your CV) using the tag [Phd-Enquiry] in the subject, along with either [<project title>] or [General] depending on whether you're applying to work on a specified project below or otherwise.

In reaching out to me, it would be quite helpful if you explain (briefly)

Ideally, this would be in the form of a research proposal (1-2 pages) that could form the core of a potential PhD thesis.


Outside of any potential opportunities listed below, there are a range of avenues for pursuing a PhD with me, including through the School of Informatics, or the Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) in Natural Language Procesing (NLP), Robotics, and Biomedical AI.
Please refer to the information on these pages to learn about the application process, timescales, and funding options.

Additionally, I supervise students through the ELLIS PhD program.
This will require submitting an application to both the ELLIS program and to the School of Informatics.

MSc (Thesis)

For prospective Masters students, please see the School's MSc by Research page for details on applying.
If you're already an Informatics MSc student looking for a thesis project, send me an email with [MSc-Project] in the subject.

Funded Positions

I currently do not have any funded positions for PhD students.