DEGAS: Dancers in violet tutues

DEGAS Edinburgh Review
April 2005

The final review for the DEGAS (Design Environments for Global ApplicationS) project will be held between Monday 4th April and Wednesday 6th April 2005 in Edinburgh, Scotland.

The DEGAS project is funded under the IST Programme - FET pro-active initiative VI.2.2 "Global computing, cooperation of autonomous and mobile entities in dynamic environments".

Appleton Tower, Crichton Street, Edinburgh

Both the rehearsal and the final review itself will be held in the Appleton Tower, Crichton Street, Edinburgh (voted one of Britain's ten worst buildings). You can find the Appleton Tower on the University's Central Area map. The following on-line street map shows more detail of the neighbouring streets.


Hotels and guest houses in Edinburgh are linked on the accommodation page.

Programme, with links to presentations

Rehearsal: Monday 4th April 2005

The rehearsal will take place in Room 2.02 in the Appleton Tower (take the lift to the second floor and go through the doors to the right, and then turn right and right again).
18:30 Introduction to the team and the project(slides in ppt) Corrado
18:35 Mobility and the airport case study (slides) Jane
18:45 Main technical achievements in the reference period  
18:45 Choreographer demo (outline of the demonstration, screenshots)  
18:45 Choreographer demo: mobility aspects (Client side) (Poseidon 3.0, (Poseidon 2.5.0) Stephen/Val
18:55 Choreographer demo: performance aspects (Server side) (Poseidon 3.0, (Poseidon 2.5.0) Stephen
19:05 Choreographer demo: security aspects (Protocol) Carlo
19:15 Presentations on achievements in analysis  
19:15 Dynamic analysis (slides in ppt, pdf) Pierpaolo
19:25 Static analysis (slides in ppt) Flemming
19:35 Exploitation and dissemination, Impact assessment  
19:35 MMPORG videoclip focusing on security aspects and further exploitation Davide/Michela
19:45 WebBased MicroBusiness focusing on performance and further exploitation (slides) Ivan
19:55 Financial aspects  
19:55 Resources spent and future plans Corrado
20:00 Close  
20:45 Must vacate the building: building closes  

Review: Wednesday 6th April 2005

The final review itself will take place in the same room, Room 2.02 in the Appleton Tower (take the lift to the second floor and go through the doors to the right, and then turn right and right again). The time is 13:00 to 16:00.


We have not yet booked a table for dinner but we plan to do so.


UEDIN will provide a data projector to use to give your presentation from your laptop. For the final review UEDIN will also provide a Windows laptop with Choreographer installed, applications such as PowerPoint and Acrobat PDF Viewer and others. All presentations can be put onto this laptop for convenience.


Page maintained by Stephen Gilmore.
Last modified: Mon Apr 4 15:26:47 BST 2005
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