Experimental Results

Figure: Specificity to ellipses. The three eigen-solution obtained by the Bookstein algorithm (left) and the best LSQ elliptical solution obtained by our ellipse-specific method (right).

First, let us now have a glimpse at what this ellipse-specificity means. Figure gif-left shows the three eigen-solutions yielded by the Bookstein algorithm on a small set of hand-input points; the best LSQ fit is a hyperbola and the (incidentally) elliptical one is extremely poor. With the proposed ellipse-specific algorithm, the only solution satisfying the constraint is the best LSQ elliptical solution, shown in Figure gif-right.

Figure gif shows three experiments designed after [10] that consist of the same parabolic data but with different realizations of added isotropic Gaussian noise ( of data spread). In his paper, Sampson refined the poor initial fitting obtained with Bookstein algorithm using an iterative Kalman filter to minimise his approximate geometrical distance [10]. The final results were ellipses with low eccentricity that are qualitatively similar to those produced by our ellipse-specific direct method (solid lines) but at the same computational cost of producing Sampson's initial estimate.

The low-eccentricity bias of our method discussed in Section. 3 is most evident in Figure gif when comparing the results to other methods, namely Bookstein (dotted), Taubin (dash-dots) and Gander (dashed); these results are not surprising, since those methods are non-ellipse specific whereas the one presented here is.

Figure: Low-eccentricity bias of the ellipse-specific method when fitting to noisy parabolic data. Encoding is Bookstein: dotted; Gander: dashed; Taubin: dash-dot; Ellipse-specific: solid.

Let us now qualitatively illustrate the robustness of the ellipse-specific method as compared to Gander's and Taubin's. A number of experiments have been carried out, of which here we present a couple, shown in Figures gif and gif. They have been conducted by adding isotropic Gaussian noise to a synthetic elliptical arc; note that in both sets each column has the same set of points. More quantitative results can be found in [2] and are not reported here for reasons of space.

Figure gif shows the performance with respect to increasing noise level (see [3] for more experiments). The standard deviation of the noise varies from 3% in the leftmost column to 20% of data spread in the rightmost column; the noise has been set to relatively high level because the performance of the three algorithm is substantially the same at low noise level of precise elliptical data. The top row shows the results for the method proposed here. Although, as expected, the fitted ellipses shrink with increasing levels of high noise (as a limit the elliptical arc will look like a noisy line), it can be noticed that the ellipse dimension decreases smoothly with the increase of noise level: this is an indication of well-behaved fitting. This shrinking phenomenon is evident also with the other two methods but presents itself more erratically: in the case of Taubin's algorithm, the fitted ellipses are on average somewhat closer to the original one [3], but they are rather unpredictable and its ellipse non-specificity, as it happens in the Gander's case, sometimes yields unbounded hyperbolic fits.

Figure: Stability experiments with increasing noise level. Top row: ellipse-specific method; Mid Row: Gander; Bottom Row: Taubin. The ellipse-specific method shows a much smoother and predictable decrease in quality than the other two methods.

Figure: Stability experiments for different runs with same noise variance (10% of data spread). Top row: ellipse-specific method; Mid Row: Gander; Bottom Row: Taubin. The ellipse-specific method shows a remarkable stability.

The second set, shown in Figure gif, is concerned with assessing stability to different realizations of noise with the same variance (). (It is very desirable that an algorithm's performance be affected only by the noise level, and not by a particular realization of the noise). This and similar experiments (see [2,3]) showed that our method has a remarkably greater stability to noise with respect to Gander's and Taubin's.