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Markov chains on countable state spaces

  In this section, we give some reminders on the definition and basic properties of Markov chains defined on countable state spaces. For an extension to general state spaces, the interested reader is referred to [9] and [5].
We consider a mesurable state space tex2html_wrap_inline396. A Markov chain tex2html_wrap_inline398 with values in F is a discrete time stochastic process with the property that the distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline402 given all previous values of the process tex2html_wrap_inline404 only depends upon tex2html_wrap_inline406. Typically, the Markov chain Z takes values in tex2html_wrap_inline410. However, to illustrate the main ideas, we restrict our attention to discrete state spaces (i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline402 can take only a finite or countable number of different values).
The transition between two states z and z' is defined by the transition kernel K:
For fixed tex2html_wrap_inline420, K(z,.) is a probability on tex2html_wrap_inline396

A central point in the study of Markov chains is the behaviour of the chain as k grows, i.e. for large values of k can we consider tex2html_wrap_inline402 to be drawn from a probability distribution tex2html_wrap_inline432, whatever the starting value tex2html_wrap_inline434? If it is so, we say that the chain is ergodic with tex2html_wrap_inline432 as stationary distribution. A necessary condition for the chain to have tex2html_wrap_inline432 as stationary distribution is the invariance of tex2html_wrap_inline432 under the transition kernel K:
A sufficient condition for the invariance of tex2html_wrap_inline432 under the transition kernel K is the following reversibility condition:

Two notions precise the behaviour of the chain: the irreducibility and the aperiodicity. Is is beyond the scope of this tutorial to describe in details these properties, but we will review the ideas behind them. A chain is said to be irreducible if each state can communicate with every other one, i.e. for every z and y, there exists k>0 such that tex2html_wrap_inline454. An irreducible chain is said to be (strongly) aperiodic if for some state z the probability of remaining in z is strictly positive: K(z,z)>0. This prevents the chain from having a cyclic behaviour.

We finally have the following convergence theorem [9]:
Therefore, the problem of sampling from a probability distribution tex2html_wrap_inline432 amounts to building a transition kernel K which verifies the invariance relation 2. In section 3, we give two examples of sampling algorithms which use different types of transition kernel.

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Bob Fisher
Fri Jul 26 09:56:32 BST 2002