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Filename Conventions

HIPR consists of a very large number of separate files (more than 2000 in fact), spread over nine main directories. In order to help keep track of this multitude we have adopted a standard naming convention for files. The purpose of the convention is to allow the user to ascertain as far as possible what a particular file is, merely by looking at its filename.

In coming up with a convention we ran into some difficulties. The main problem was the requirement to maintain portability to MS-DOS with its severe restriction on filename length. Specifically, an MS-DOS file can only consist of a maximum of eight characters, plus, optionally, a full-stop (period) and a three character filename extension. Because of this limit many filenames are much more terse and cryptic than we would like, which makes understanding the convention we use even more important.

The following sections detail the various categories of files within HIPR and the naming conventions that apply.

HIPR Source Files

Found in the src sub-directory.

The textual information in HIPR is split into many small chunks, each of which correspond to a `page' in the hypermedia version. Each page has a name which is intended to convey its meaning in eight characters or less. For instance the name of this page is filename. Then the filename of the HIPR source file corresponding to that page is formed by adding the extension .hpr. Hence the HIPR source file for this page is called filename.hpr.

Many pages, particularly worksheet pages, also have a local information section which is included into the main file from a separate file. These included files have names formed by adding .loc to the page name.

HTML Files

Found in the html sub-directory.

For every HIPR source file there is a corresponding HTML file with a similar name, but with the extension .htm instead of .hpr.

So the HTML file corresponding to this page is filename.htm.

The html directory also includes a few small GIF image files that are used as decorations in the hypermedia version of HIPR.

JAVA Files

Found in the flatjavasrc sub-directory.

The interactive operator and tableau demonstrations require many JAVA source code files, which have extension .java. The compiled versions of these files have extension .class. The HTML interfaces to the JAVA operators have the extension .html. To improve downloading efficiency for the tableau, there is also a tableaujar.jar file.

Equation Files

Found in the eqns sub-directory.

Equation image files for use with the hypermedia version of HIPR begin with the letters eqn..., and have the extension .gif. The second part of the main name normally gives some indication in which worksheet the equation is used. There may also be an index number if there is more than one equation used in a that worksheet. For example, eqnrob1.gif is the first equation found in the Roberts Cross worksheet.

Some very common equations that are used in more than one worksheet have names that indicate what they are rather than to which worksheet they belong to. So, for instance, eqntheta.gif is an equation for the Greek letter Eqn:eqntheta.

This technique of including equations in the hypermedia version of HIPR as inline images is necessary because, at the time of writing, Netscape cannot generate mathematical symbols itself.

Figure Files

Found in the figs sub-directory.

All figures and diagrams for use with HIPR are included in two different forms --- an encapsulated PostScript form for inclusion into the hardcopy version, and a GIF version for inclusion into the hypermedia version. The PostScript files have the extension .eps and the GIF files have the extension .gif. The rest of the filename is the same for both formats, and is chosen to describe the figure. There are no special conventions for choosing this name, although the name often reflects the name of the worksheet that includes the figure. For instance the figure used in the section on directory structure is contained in files called direct.gif and direct.eps.

Image Files

Found in the images sub-directory.

Images have one of the more complicated naming conventions --- this is in an attempt to convey as much information as possible in the filename, while conforming to the MS-DOS constraint that filenames can only be 8 characters long. Images fall into two categories: raw and processed, with slightly different naming conventions. See the section on Images for an explanation of these terms.

By default images are stored in GIF format and have the extension .gif. However, your system installer may have changed this (see the Installation Guide for details) and so another extension may be used.

For raw images, the main part of the image filename (i.e. before the extension) is simply a four-character identifier for that image. Typically this identifier takes the form of a three-letter abbreviation indicating the type of image involved, plus a single digit differentiating different images within that category. For example scr1.gif is a picture of a jumble of objects, including principally a screwdriver. fce3.gif is a picture of a face, and the third example in the face series.

For processed images, the main part of the image filename is split into two four-character halves. The first half is simply the four-character name of the raw image from which the processed image was produced. The second half describes the image processing operation most relevant to the production of the image. As with raw image names, this description consists of a three-letter abbreviation indicating the type of image processing operation, and then a final single digit which differentiates between different examples of that operation applied to the raw image concerned.

Some examples might make this clearer:

wdg2.gif is a raw image showing the second of a family of two dimensional silhouetted `widgets'.

wdg2thr1.gif is the same image after it has been thresholded using one set of parameters.

wdg2thr2.gif is the image after thresholding with a slightly different set of parameters.

wdg2sob1.gif is the result of applying the Sobel edge detector to wdg2.gif.

cln1.gif is a raw image containing a picture of a clown.

cln1sob1.gif is the result of applying the Sobel edge detector to cln1.gif.

This convention is a little confusing at first, but fortunately you will not have to worry about it most of the time, since in the hypermedia version of HIPR at least, images are displayed merely by clicking on their `thumbnails'. In addition, the Image Library Catalogue lists all the images in HIPR in a much more user-friendly fashion.

Thumbnail Files

Found in the thumbs sub-directory.

For every image in the images sub-directory, there is a corresponding thumbnail image. These thumbnails are just small versions of the GIF files in the images directory and are GIF files themselves. They have similar names to their corresponding images, except that they have the upper-case extension .GIF instead of .gif. This is to avoid confusion with the corresponding full image. Note that on operating systems that ignore case in filenames (such as MS-DOS), this difference will not be apparent. As an example, the thumbnail associated with the image wdg2thr1.gif is called wdg2thr1.GIF.

Index Files

Found in the index sub-directory.

Index files are written by the HIPR generating programs in order to keep track of index entry information. They are not normally of interest to the user and should not be altered. There is one index file for each HIPR source file, with a similar name, except that they have the extension .idx instead of .hpr.

Program Files

Found in the progs sub-directory.

The HTML and LaTeX files are generated from HIPR source files using Perl scripts. These scripts are called hiprgen.pl and hiprindx.pl.


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©2003 R. Fisher, S. Perkins, A. Walker and E. Wolfart.

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